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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Kallsme

  1. What litterature and picture do you need? Hope this will help you a little Kallsme
  2. under my Beche`500kg hammer its 270cm of concrete and lots of reinforcement to hold the concrete, so it not will crack. And also 10cm of oak wood. My little 150kg Beche
  3. I have not work with Kuhn hammer but I hawe a lot of experience of Beche
  4. All my powerhammer are Beche
  5. Here I am beginning to forge a skewer with a ball att the rear end unfortunately does not the whole video upploaded YouTube - Beche 500 kg powerhammer Here is another video from my shop, with swedish talk:D http://www.hammar-hejarsmide.se/hammarohejarsmide2.wmv Kallsme
  6. There is no words for mulled in Sweden, but mulled wine is a sort of hot wine punch, specially for the chrismas time here in sweden. Valentin Ofcourse i will forge a Tank or a copy of Titanic or a warior ship or a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  7. The length of the rounbar i use was about 65mm. Kallsme
  8. 3/4" roundbar:D I use those as thootpick, he he This one is forged from a 190mm roundbar in two heat. Glenn. The typewriter is an Underwood from about 1903-05
  9. I hope that the right word for it in the thread I forged a big ladle for mulled wine, Just for the big fun, as allways:D:D
  10. You can ewen cook your neighbor if they are bad,:D:D:D Kallsme
  11. This skewer with a ball in the upper end(is it the right word for this in english?) was forge in my other 500kg Beche
  12. Thanks Thats one of my five powerhammer. You are allways welcome to wisit the forge anytime. This video was taken on our yearly blacksmith event in Granbergsdal in my forge. Welcome next year in september and try to forge in these machine:) Kallsme
  13. Hello Here is a video on youtube from our blacksmith meeteing in my forge. Here i am forging the beginning of a skewer with a ball in the upper end. YouTube - Beche 500 kg powerhammer Kallsme
  14. Here are some picture of the hotcutter from both side. Any more questions? Roger
  15. Ok, Patrick To answer your questions. I have been a powerhammerblacksmith seens 1978 We are 3 people working in my forge. We are a type of jobshop, small wolume of details, to whoever need parts. I dont know any more shop like mine in the whole Scandinavia, who working with freeforging with powerhammer, so I think i
  16. This is how i use the hot cutter. Hope i can explain this in english. Place the rounbar in the hotcutter and strike a light blow on the tool, just half way through the roundbar, turn the roundbar 1/3 of a revolution??? (cant find the rigth word, hope you understand anyway) than hit the tool once again little bit more than half through the roundbar again, turn it 1/3 again and strike the tool again just half trough the roundbar and the hotcutter made its work. Hope you undestand this. Its wery important that you dont hit the base on the hotcutter with a heavy blow, othervise the tool can be destroyed:( Roger
  17. yes i still use it and I will do a small drawing how i use it. Roger
  18. More tools Roger
  19. Here are som tools i use under the powerhammer. Warious Tongs, swages,ringtools, and a were smart hotcutter for the powerhammer i made for many years, to cut roundbars up to 80mm, in thre steps It allmost funktion as a gilliotine, but you hawe to be wery gentle when you strike the tools. Roger
  20. Kallsme


  21. Kallsme


  22. Kallsme


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