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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Kallsme

  1. When i forge long details i use a long board ( wood ) to place on the foot treaddle and than place the foot on to control the hammer. The grey and the green hammer is the same hammer. the grey picture is an earlier foto of the green. the green is a 500kg, and i allso have another 500kg, one 300kg, one 200kg and one 150kg, all Beche
  2. Please explain the meaning of this line, im not sure wath you mean. Kallsme´n
  3. Here is one of my 500kg Beche´hammer i use daily in my shop The sledgehammer i forge is only for my own fun, i usually dont forge this cind of stuff. see, Karlskoga Hammar & Hejdarsmide HB - granbergsdal, karlskoga hammar & hejdarsmide hb, friformsmide, but-skruv, stuksmide, smide i rostfritt You can click on this link to see a short movie from my shop http://www.hammar-hejarsmide.se/hammarohejarsmide2.wmv Kallsme´n
  4. I use a forge with a big oilburner, ( Diesel ) Dimension inside 1000 X 1000 X 500mm. I started with a big skarapiron 154 X 154 X 85 and forge it 90 x 95 x 225 and than punch a small hole in it and than punch the hole bigger and bigger to fit the handle. Than i forge it a little bit smaller in both ends and than i calibrate all the measure to the fininshed size. And ofcourse, i use my 500kg Beche
  5. Ok here it comes Kallsme
  6. I forged a "small" sledgehammer of pice of skrapiron 15kg:) Kallsme
  7. I use one of my 500Kg Beche
  8. Do you think "Little Herman" like his othe buddys in my forge. Kallsme
  9. I forge a " Small " candleholder ( dont know if it
  10. More photos All the damage part will be replaced, such as bearings, pistonrings,......... Kallsme
  11. This is my latest project in the forge. Its a 150Kg Beche hammer from 1966, That will bee the fifth airhammer in my shop. Its gonna be totally rebuild and installed in the forge during this year. This hammer has been out of order for tha last twenty years, and not under roof for at least 15 years. Kallsme
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