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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Kallsme

  1. Kallsme

    150Kg Beche

    Restoring of a 150Kg Beche
  2. More picture Roger
  3. Here is another crazy forgings from me to celebrate the Swedish biathlon womens olympic goldmedal. Roger
  4. Hello there To celebrate the swedish hockey team, i forged a hockeystick!! Take close look at the puck, it
  5. We allso got a goldmedal in biathlon and hochey So there is more to come :shock: Roger
  6. i would recomended 4340 and heat it up only with the tourch and than let it cool down with kompressed air blown to it. i would guess it will be about 50hrc. Another steel you could use is 1045, this is a steel with 0,5% carbon and you can chill it in water and the sarface been pretty hard. about 55hrc. Roger
  7. I forge a curling stone to tribite the swedish women in the olympic games. From a 154mm squarebar and 165mm lengt, ( puh, thats a heavy one) THE TEAM :mrgreen: Me to the right Roger
  8. Here is the blueprint of the pneumatic setup of my airhammer Roger
  9. I think your cylinder would fit perfect DonS. The sice of the anvilschaft is 170mm ( allmost 7" and 800mm long) But i think you can use your pices for a 30 pound hammer. You can weld it on a thick iron plate, maybe a 2 inches. Good luck Sorry squeesplay, I
  10. Hello Here is one picture of my home made airhammer, who worked with kompressed air. It
  11. Of course you can, do you want breakfast allso Roger
  12. I use this forge to heat the material. It
  13. How to make big lightball out of a 154mm and 95mm lengt scrapiron. :shock: Roger
  14. There is no problem to weld this anvil. just heat it upp to about 250 degrees celsius before welding. Use a toolsteel electrode to make the welding. After the finished welding, put it in some insulating fiber to make it cold down wery slowly. Than its only the grinding left. You must be over 550degrees celsius to lose the hardening of the anvil. So keep on welding. Roger
  15. Ok I would see, if I have the time to forge another lightball out of scrap tomorrow and show you the tools i use for this pieces. Roger
  16. Kallsme

    10 Inches Tongs

    I even have a few large tongs who will fit up to 9 inches, when i forge wery large pieces, up to 110Kilo each part. Picture comming up next week. Roger
  17. Kallsme

    10 Inches Tongs

  18. Here is some picture of my Anvils. The first is a wery old anvil, about 50kilo ( 110lb ) Second anvill is a "Norrlands anvil" 175kilo ( 385lb ) The last is a Soderfors anvill, 98kilo ( 215lb ) ( I think that one kilo is 2,2lb, is that right, anyone????) Roger
  19. Ok, thanks T-GOLD Annother word in my "headbank" of english word This Colliery is about 100 kubikmeter of charcoal, it take allmost 14 days untill it "burned" out. Roger
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