I hope you will drop by some time Ian, than we could have a little longer forgingsession in the shop.
You can allso have room for the night and breakfast in my house if you want.
The bottom fuller is just to hold the shaft under the hammer so it wont fall down on the floor, and it keeps holding the shaft round a little better
than just using the tool and no fuller,
You can use the topp tool wothout a lower fuller but its a little bit complicated.
Yes there is no lower tool to make the waist on the shaft only topp tool.
Wath is the correct name of such topp tool in english:confused:
I hawe using Beche hammers for about 25years and i have five hammers in various size in my forge.
Here is a link to the video on my homepage. http://www.hammar-hejarsmide.se/hammarohejarsmide2.wmv
Wath is eye ballin means???
When i forge a ring i look with my eye and then i measure it with the folding rule,(hope thats the right word) and this ring have a forging tolerance in +-3mm on the outside and inside diameter an +-2mm on the hight measure.
This is another metod of forging a ring from a squarebar.
This is gonna be sparepart to a rearaxel, a piniomweel on an STCC car.
And ofcourse all forge in one heat:D
Another punc in the samo hole to make it bigger
The same punch from the other side and make the hole thru the ring
Make the ring absolutly round.
The ring is forged in one heat,and it weigh 62kilogram
Phu, its pretty hot and heawy to forge big rings.
Here is the prosses of making a big ring from a square iron.
I beginning with square 215mm metall
Starting to punch the sharp edges
Make it round
Than i take small punch,( dont know the word ) an make a small hole
from one side