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I Forge Iron

Tom Lumpkins

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Posts posted by Tom Lumpkins

  1. Posted this last weekend, and just got the time to load some picture's.Got to the meeting and everybody shows up, And this old feller comes in with two huge work table's Said he got a good deal on the two and wants to donate one for Iron in the cup or Auction it off. Everybody decided it would be part of the Iron In The cup.
    This table also has a huge vise that come with it.. Myself and other's marveled over the table.. And Boy's I wanted the table bad.. So I bought ten tickets and you get eleven when you buy ten .. so I put all except one ticket in the cup.. The wife also puts three tickets in there. That cup was stuffed plum full of tickets. I wasn't the only one that was trying to buy the table. LOL..
    Lord I sure could use that Table, I thought.. But I'm the type that don't never win nothing.
    Everything went then the drawing for the table.. The wife has the winning ticket.. Yes I am one happy feller.. I gotta head out to MS.. in a few, But come next week after I get it in , I'll take a few picture's and post them on here.


    As you can see , I have already started loading the table up with stuff.


    I can't think of the name of the Vice. But its a bigun, and was made in Chicago;


  2. Well have I got a story to tell, I was up neer Ft Wayne today and had some time to spare so I thought I would give Steve Sells a call and try and meet up at the truck stop, We agreed to meet up, and we figured I would be there around five thirty pm eastern time. I told Steve that I would have a white hat on and also about my beard, He said I would recognize him by his long hair. So when I walked in the restaurant at five thirty there sit along haired dude sitting at the counter drinking coffee ,, I sit down there beside of him and said howdy or Hey.. he looked at me and give me one of those " what do you want " looks. I thought well this ain't him so after a few seconds I got up and got me a table and sit and drunk a couple of cups of coffee,, then got to thinking that I might be at the wrong place, I left my telephone out in the truck.. So I told the waitress to give me a cup to go, and as I was walking out the long haired feller at the counter Said " Tom " I said yes ,, lol .. He thought I was someone else there at first. . I reckon there was some other driver's that come in there with beards. .. Steve it was a pleasure meeting you.. I enjoyed it Brother and look forward to meeting up with you again one day soon.. Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me.. Tom


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