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I Forge Iron

Tom Lumpkins

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Posts posted by Tom Lumpkins

  1. Wagonmaster,
    Have you mastered this yet? a trick I was taught was keep the iron high in the fire so you are not oxidizing (Too much air has played havoc on many forge welds), wire two pieces of 1/4 in square stock together bring up to a gentle red, flux (or not) put the iron back to the fire and don't get in a hurry. when the iron gets to a nice yellow bring it out and tap it on the edge of the forge (should stick). tap your iron with a light hammer on the edge of the forge. back to the fire to yellow and to the anvil to shape.
    This was a lesson to learn to recognize the temperature for welding and to learn not to be to heavy handed. the small stock cools very fast so a trip to the anvil can be just to much cooling. charcoal makes a great welding fire for something this small. but don't get over zealous with the air. the air increases the volume of heat but yellow hot is yellow hot. whether it is in a small area or a large area. you just need enough heat to weld not heat the smithy.
    I hope this makes sense, Steve
    Thanks Steve.for the good advice.. I have been busy doing honey doo's .. But fixen to go out and fire up the forge and see if we can put the advice to use...
  2. I thought I would share some more info on my attempts at forge welding.. I had to quit after this attempt because I toasted my right eye ball. and gotta keep the eye's in tact.. I talked with Glenn about my problem and he suggested that I get some Shade 3 safety glasses.. I got them in the mail last week and tried again to forge weld.. this time instead of trying to forge weld a ring I tried to just do a faggot weld with 3/8s square and followed the instruction's outta my Backyard blacksmith book.. Well I tried four or five times to do the faggot weld.. and it just wouldn't work.. finally I told the wife, { She was supervising} that I was going to just burn the metal.. So I started cranking and then I seen that special Spark, that Glenn and Dale Russel and other's in the chat room had talked about, then I seen another one.. so I pulled the piece out and tapped it, and then let it cool..and tested it .. It was stuck, then put it back in the fire got it back up to high yellow and basically knocked the weld loose. Yep.. I know what you all are thinking while your sitting there grinning and reading about my mistake.. I talked with Glenn last nite and he let me know About it..As you will notice. on the Bottom of this post it Say's in Training.. lol..
    I'll get there.. and I guess the main reason for writing this is. I want to Thank All of you all for helping me get to where I'm at.. I was telling a guy the other day that is interested in Blacksmithing.. Man you need to Join IFI ,, Them boy's on there want you to learn and they'll help you get there.

  3. Thanks James . Yea I was going to try and do some forge welding, but the bee's hive wasn't working out. or I just got in to big of a hurry, I dug it out and the fire just wasn't right. after fooling with it for a good while I said the heck with it and started making another pair of plyers. I got them started then the wife lets me know easter diinner was ready so I closed her down.. I reckon we'll be back at it when I get in off the road. Sure had some fun... Happy easter Boy's...

  4. Well I tested it and it failed. I'm pretty sure my problem was not enough heat. I didn't have enough base. I started working on other projects and said the heck with it.. I may try again in the morning after I make my Scrolling plyer's.. Thanks again for all the tips. And thats pretty cool about the anchor forging..

  5. Welcome to the site Yance, are you going to attend the blacksmith event at Spruce Pine, NC... Me and the hen's going to try and make it next year, Looks like there's a good time to be had there. Besure and stop in the chat room and shoot the bull, We got a darn good group of Bull shooter's in there. And all kinds of good info there.

  6. thanks for all the help, I tried to forge a piece of 3/8 square today, and it looked slippery and I tapped it together, and then put it back in and worked it. I'm not sure if it took. I'm thinking that my forge is not getting hot enough. I put a piece of scape in, With the intention of burning it. so I could see exactly what the sparkles look like plus the color when sparkling accrued it never did burn. Then the wife comes home and changes my plans. Honey Doo's. I'll be back our there in a little while and will keep you all posted.. thanks again for all the help.

  7. Hello Boy's.
    I have been a member here for awhile now. and was doing my forging under our carport. well winter come in and it got cold out there and I decided it was time to build me a building. I told the wife I wasn't doing any forging till I got the building done. and I didn't.
    I didn't realize it would take so long to get it all done. Well its been done for a couple weeks and I'm back at it. still just as green as I was back in December.
    I attempted to do some forge welding back when I was working under the carport and. I had one ring that actually stuck. But never did learn. I was in the chat room last nite. { We got a bunch of good people in here} and was telling them about my failure. They give me some pointers. Yesterday I had Glenn on the phone while I was attempting to weld a ring. I know its rough trying to help someone over the phone, and I know he wished he was there to help. But even with his help I still failed. But today I'm back at it. I'm on vacation and got plenty of coal. I'm going to list the steps and please let me know if I'm wrong, I value your help and and very grateful.
    1. get the fire going
    2. make the bee's nest and poke a hole.
    3. after the coal burns off and turns to coke.put the ring in and bring up to orange, pull out and brush and flux. quick enough so that it doesn't cool to red.
    4. put back in fire and wait for first spark. then pull out on 2nd spark and tap the joint together.
    5. put back in fire and bring back up to sparkle and then finish weld.

    one other question, Do I keep the air going.while waiting for welding temp.

  8. yea welcome to the site. you've hit pay dirt, The info is here, and so is the help, Be Sure and check out the Knife Chats on Friday nite's.. also there's a tread on Knife making..Plus be sure and check out the Picture's in the Gallery of the different knifes. you will be pleasantly surprised at all the neat stuff in there..

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