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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by myloh67

  1. Thanks will shout him this morn

  2. A second hand hammer for instance, if you know what it is that you want and one comes along at a time when you cannot really afford..bite the bullet..invest and eat thin soup for a time..appreciation is at its best here! and hence will always remain..
  3. Excuse me Uri are you free at this moment to give some advice? Michael

  4. Uri do you recommend viscosity of oil for massey hammer? Cheers Michael

  5. Thats great, it reminds me of a forge my wife owned, that was portable and a treadle mechanism like that off of a singer sewing machine operated the attached blower. Nice one :)
  6. This one isnt hugely difficult to make. Copy of an ancient Asian barrell lock - Blacksmith Photo Gallery
  7. nilfisk back in the 80,s made a vacum. Back in Denmark you can walk into most forges and see one of these coupled up to the hearth! Good suck..luck..
  8. Chyancarrek she lives outside the shop somewhere and comes around when she heres the activity! M
  9. Looks good Grant apart from the fact...still ledgible.
  10. Have had this ferral black skinny cat come round the forge over the last while. Have been feeding it titbits of my lunch ect and now the weather is cooling down i will invest in some cat food! It comes around when anvil rings, its quite isolated where i am at and i like that, but an occassional visit,.. prompted by the "dinner bell" is good. I gave it a name today "Clinker" and just as black.:)
  11. These photos where taken a while back. I still have yet to couple up the motor. We all get there one way or another. Jeremiah my father, in the photo a great help yet again!
  12. John N ..they call er mellow yellow..nice catch! Michael
  13. I heard tell that one should use a zinc free based oil to prevent corrosion of bronze bearing?
  14. John N, thanks for all your time and input, very much appreciated! Today I managed to lift my hammer 31.5 inches over its anvil using gantry that was self built (and non creaking) and laid it to rest on the block. The block of 40 newton vibrated concrete 2.5cubic meter sits on the the dirt. It is then has an outer layer of 40mm polystyrene sheet for sides 3mm hardboard and backfilled to the vertical dirt with compacted sand. I used 600 polysulphide thioflex on the floor of the anvil socket in which i attached 50mm fabreeka pads. Sat the anvil in and wedged with oak slips. Everything at the moment looks ticketyboo! (funny word that), will wedge anvil to foot casting apeture, all that remains to do is excavate and pour shallow foundation for motor 300m deep, aquire star delta switch fie up and destroy an innocent hard boiled egg, why because I'm not much good at forging hard boiled eggs.:D
  15. Gerry and Deb your in our thoughts, wishing for you a rapid recovery. Michael and Gunvor.
  16. When material is struck at an appropriate heat should the forces applied.. considering the anvil is of good condition be transfered back through to the material, hence requiring less force? If the rebound or anvils condition is of lower quality... are the initial forces applied dissapated. The material is malleble at the proper heat and will absorb the blow but if the anvil, wheel say was made of feathers..fair enough it would become a stinky situation but because of a lack of resistance no impact on the material has been achieved. Question: With a guillotine or butcher of radiused tooling say half inch top and bottom what surface of material when forged is impacted the most and why? Sidesteer Michael.
  17. Bigfootnampa ..forged my first corkscrew and used mandrel to wrap.. forged tool steel to fine taper all going lovely..till the maiden opening.. and realized that to get the metal into cork had to twist anticlock..enjoyed the contents only!:)
  18. Kids...minds like sponges they certainly have
  19. Use 8x4 ft sheets of hardboard 3mm thick, cut appropriately and screw or attach together on site. Mark plenty of datum straight lines (good and long) so back at the forge you can reposition accurately. On site take a measurement from wall or edge of thread (step) place a mark on hardboard and consistantly reproduce on each step. Mark on hardboard possible fixing points on site. Back at workshop, its a matter of joining up the dots and creating the curve. The accuracy involved is in the joining up of the dots. Get a step ladder or hop up on a height to ensure no flats occur in your curve. Maybe usefull!
  20. 2-2-17 There are 112 lbs in a hundred weight (cwt) The first numeric depicts the quantity of hundred weights, the second the number of quarter hundred weights and the third represents the number of pounds. 2x1 cwt............224lbs + 2x quarter cwt.....56lbs + ........................17lbs Total it up theres your weight.
  21. Thank you all very much for your kind comments, fingers still cro@**!d difficult to type.
  22. The hammer looks brilliant, your smile says it all. Happy forging.
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