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I Forge Iron

Travis Covington

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Everything posted by Travis Covington

  1. Folks, My wifes niece wants a pig forged on a steak flipper any Ideas???
  2. Welcome, You have some good groups up your way. Checkout Blacksmiths Guild of the Potomac http://www.bgop.org/ or Central Virginia Blacksmiths Guild http://www.cvbg.org/ They are both great groups and will be glad to assist you in your quest.
  3. Thanks Sam, I try to give all request out of our area to IFI friends.
  4. I've recieved an email from someone with a Baltimore are code. He has a drawing of weathervain he would like to find someone to make. If anyone is interested I will be glad to forward his email. Much too far away for me. Thanks
  5. That's the problem with having to answer questions about everything else while the demo is going on. I don't get to see as much as I would like. He does use flat bar. But I know there is a step he does before punching. I just missed what it was. Seams like he groves the shoe or creaseses if that makes any sense.
  6. Frank, I'm probably wrong but I could have sworn Tim used his pritchel alone and didn't use a punch. I could have missed the switch like I said earlier. He does move really fast. I will add he does finish his holes at a black heat. That's one thing he showed if you let it cool a little you can see the dark spot from the back. Sorry if I caused any confusion
  7. Maybe I need to see another of his demoes. It is possible he switched tools and I didn't notice. We always have to ask to slow down so we can keep up with the process.
  8. One of our most experiance people was a farier until he blew out his back. He always made his own shoes and used 1 punch to make his holes. One of our favorite demoes is Tim shoeing a mule. He still does a few for select people.
  9. Just a few pictures from this weekend. More to come. The first three are of our learning center the other is a group of our scouts in their IFI supplied shirts. If you need custom shirts Glenn is the man.
  10. Here is the link to my album. I will post some pics directly later.https://picasaweb.google.com/117684411369312166826/Gathering2012?authuser=0&feat=directlink
  11. I will post pictures tomorrow. As soon as we can work up a real schedule we will anounce next years event. We made a mistake and didn't have a set schedule this year. I think things still went great. The learning center was well used and the demonstrations were first class. Thanks to everyone that helped make this a success.
  12. Tomorrow is the First day of the Gathering. Come on out. Tent Camping is free and Campers 20 a night. Clay Smith plans to forge a gun barrell something we all want to see.
  13. Take it from someone who has spent time with Brian, Anyone can learn from him. He has one of the best techniques I have ever seen. The man is a true artist.
  14. Knowing Brian he wants his present to be working hot iron. Happy Birthday Friend!
  15. Tomorrow is Thursday wich means only one more day until the best Blacksmithing event on tne East Coast.
  16. The T Shirts for the Boy Scouts just arrived. They are awsome. Thanks Glenn and crew
  17. Thanks for your kind remarks Brian, You were the perfect demonstrator for the first one. If we make it this year we have a line up for next year that has only been seen once and probably will not be again. Less than a week to go come on out.
  18. Things are building up. Looks like we will have a good turnout. Less than a week to go.
  19. Things are picking up, We will have 9 members of the Wood Turners Guild Demonstrating.
  20. People are asking if it's too late to register. You can walk in if you can't preregister. It just makes it easier to plan food and supplies. Come on out.
  21. The Gathering will be May 4,5 and 6 info is on the website.
  22. Only 3 weeks left. Get your registrations in before tomorrow and save 10 bucks.
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