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I Forge Iron

Steve Sells

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Posts posted by Steve Sells

  1. I don't see much of anything at that link, except a request for adding to it.

    Also Wiki is not a primary reference for anything. When anyone 2 through 120 yrs old can post with out any credentials, or verification of fact. Its a nice place to get fast info, but without backup of real knowledge and verifiable facts, its just a chalkboard most anyone can write on.

    so to your second link:
    Even tho I would take the side of a metallurgist over a dictionary, at least Websters is a credible source :)

  2. Welcome to I Forge Iron, Since you had missed the chat room, May I point out that there is also a dedicated knife chat on Friday night, 10pm to 11pm Eastern time.

    Also tutorials on many subjects are partly available in the Blue Print section, I say part because some are not accessible due to a quirk that arose in the software when updates were made a while ago. It is being worked on.

    Also Tuesday nights also starting at 10PM eastern there are 2 or 3 new blue prints presented every week.

    IFI is a happening place. Glad to have another bladesmith on board.

  3. The poor girl is in her early 60's. Yesterday afternoon, she seems to have had a mini stroke, except the Hospital doctors cant find a thing wrong with her, Other than she has little if any memory left. It is like a light switch was flipped.

    She has had seizures for many years now, goes catatonic for a while then slowly regains control. but this time was a small hit to the head from one of the kids playing, afterward, she didn't recognize anyone.

    I was over to their house today, and tho she knows her daughter and son in law now, she walked into me, and got very scared. But I can understand seeing me surprised her, even tho I have known her for years.

    at present she is very helpless.

  4. simply I hammered/rolled wrought Iron into flats a little thinner than 1/8 inch thick, stacked them up. I added 0.30 thick15n20, pure.03 Nickel, and a little high carbon 1095 Shim stock .025 in between these layers.

    So it started W,C,W,Ni,W,C,W,C,W,15,W or close to that for the layering. these shims are very thin, so basically its mainly just wrought iron, but the other metals give some dark bands, or lighter bands.

    The client wanted the hardware for this blade to look like branches of trees. rather than the cut wood effect. MY first thought was simple wrought iron, but I decided to add some shim stock to add depth of color. To add in this illusion, I plan to carve the bar when its still 2x over size, with my dremel tool cutter, then finish hammering to shape, Like when doing a ladder pattern but running the length rather than across, and not parallel, but intersecting like with natural tree bark. Revealing colors as well as textures with the acid bath. Will post when I finish, there is noting to really see until then with this pattern welded stuff.

    maybe its over kill, but I push to come up with my various pattern welded patterns. and not every thing is a blade edge. there are many other uses for damascus.

  5. just an observation, as I am not your teacher, but if I were... I would give you some real steels like some1084FG or O-1 maybe, and tell you stop practicing, and start producing blades for sale. but your not my student, so I wont say a thing. :rolleyes:

  6. the thing is, I can't just do a billet start-to-finish all at once. I need to let a billet cool before I can cut and grind faces clean, and fold/weld again, so while I let one billet anneal, I do work on another one, so its not all wasted time, and I do large pieces first, so IF this happens, I can use this "sword guard scrap" as a pommel (as in this case) and make more for the guard later.

    but being out of plain simple 1095 series I am waiting on more so I can do more billets of the 1095/L6 for a very impatient client waiting on a very large billet, but its nice to have projects to bounce to and from, as when I get a JAM on something, I can move to the other while I think of how to fix a cold shunt or what ever.

  7. Welcome, there are a few blade makers here. On Friday night's we host a Knife Chat from 10 to 11pm Eastern time, here at IFI, its part teaching, part sharing format., and as always 24/7 the general chat room is open, and most the time active. as IFI has a world wide membership.

  8. My new shop is covered by my home owners policy, My agent was here 3 weeks ago.

    As for Liability waivers, I used to run my own company for a number of years with 7 full time and 3 part time employees. Also I still have the Martial Arts school, and my little sister is a business lawyer.

    Waivers do not remove liability, but they may reduce the level of penalty's from an action because that signature shows they were informed of risks. But no court will allow anyone to sign away constitutional rights in any contract. So says my Sister of Indiana and Michigan Bar.

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