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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by MRobb

  1. I think Rich & markb touch on the two main issues.

    Rich mentioned the wide experience & knowledge levels that are represented by the attendees. Maybe some of the experienced crowd are getting a little bored when it gets too basic and the newbies, like myself, get a little dizzy headed when things get too technical.

    markb mentioned a bit more structured chat to let people know what will be discussed.

    I aggree with both. Maybe setting up a calendar with pre set subjects being discussed. Alternating between basic & more technical. That way we can have some questions prepared ahead of time. No scratching our heads on what to bring up next. I really like the casual flow of an open chat though, so maybe the calendar would be used on a temporary basis until things flow better.

    Steve, I think you are doing a fine job running the chat. And I thank you.

    My 2 cents.........


  2. Thanks for the tip, Jayco. Let me ask a question then. Because hopefully, in a couple of months, I'll be able to start using my coal forge. I use gas at the moment. Using the same parameters, no knots or bark. Would this apply to other wood as well? There is not only pine here, but lots of oak. Would that work as well? And if so, what other woods would or would not work?


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