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I Forge Iron

philip in china

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Everything posted by philip in china

  1. Re. Vaughans: matthew.bourne@anvils.co.uk seems to be their new sales rep now that Gary has left them. He might be able to advise you. I will try to find another very good swage block producer and post it here.
  2. We all do stupid things from time to time. This weekend I made up some brackets to put a couple of hanging rails in a big walk in cupboard in the bungalow. I had already done exactly the same thing in another "identical" closet so knew exactly what I was doing so didn't really pause to think...... I made the brackets to exactly the same dimensions. The right angles would have made Pythagoras jealous. Brushed them and painted them an attractive petrol blue. Went to install them to find that the "identical" cupboard actually did not have a masonry wall. It is a sheet of 3 ply about strong enough to stick a photo up with gum! Back to the drawing board!
  3. Maybe this is why blacksmiths over the ages have had a reputation for both physical and moral strenth and courage. The sort of guy to go to when you have a problem, an honest, calm man who looks the whole world in the face. Certainly I find it all very soothing.
  4. Look at www.anvils.co.uk Their on line catalogue is a delight.
  5. Good to see another Brooks anvil! Forging with ball pein hammers. You are as British as I am.
  6. I am going to enclose the underneath of my welding bench by putting some mesh and creating a cage. It should be an easy job as there is a steel cabinet at one end and a brick wall at the other. The top is 20mm plate and the floor is concrete. So I have to make a couple of screens- effectively like machine guards. My question is this. I shall be making the framework for each side out of 50mm (2") angle. I want to fasten mesh inside this framework. Is there a simple way or do I just get the buzz box out and start welding? Any advice would be welcomed as I have never welded mesh before.
  7. I had a problem lighting coke. It isn't easy but persevere. Light a wood fire, add some coal and only once that is going well add your coke. You will get a hot fire as long as the blower is blowing but you will lose it almost immediately you turn off the air. Like you I have an unlimited free supply of coke so it is worth the effort.
  8. Tongs are about the only tool I don't make. If you look at Pr
  9. Good work goatman. I think the problem most people have is not finding steel but finding free (or almost free) steel. A bit like anvils really.
  10. I use an electric blower and just control the speed using a dimmer switch. Cheap and easy solution. There is as much blast as ever I shall want but I can turn it down to conserve fuel.
  11. Many old forges had several forges going into 1 chimney so it does work OK. Individual chimney for each forge would be simpler but the combined one would be more elegant. What are you going to use to build it? Brick, pipe etc??
  12. Also have a look at the online catalogues of various manufacturers. I know you are on a budget but it is an excellent way of picking up ideas. Start at Vaughans
  13. Mike, I have got a very rare 100# Chinese cast iron anvil. As a favour to you I will swop with you. You just have to airmail that piece of junk to me and I will send mine to you.
  14. How can I get copies of the Hofi videos sent out to me here? I can pay by credit card.
  15. Welcome to IFI skypirate. Even more than that welcome to blacksmithing! Why not fill in your location? There might be somebody closer to you than you think. An idler wheel is the way to go and can be made out of almost anything.
  16. Craig, Mainline rail usually runs at maybe 110 or 120 pounds to the yard so maybe that weighs more than you think- unless it is a smaller size than usual.
  17. The price of new steel is dropping here so let's hope that the rest of the world follows suit.
  18. I think we all get toughened to heat and burns so after a while we don't notice them. Chefs are similar.
  19. Beware of ebay sellers who just happen to have a load of anvils to get rid of. They are usually traders and you are quite likely to get ripped off! Is there a huge, non refundable delivery charge?
  20. From the way that face has gone I suspect it is iron so check that before you go any further.
  21. Nett beat me to the punch there. Best design for tool trays etc. etc. is Uri's. It makes the combination of anvil and stand into not just an anvil but an entire work station. My next big project is to make a stand so I can get maximum use out of the design features on my Hofi anvil. It is actually so designed that every hole in the anvil is not obstructed underneath by the rest of the anvil. So you could put stock through the hardy or any one of the pritchel holes and have it go down to the floor! The swing out tool tray would be great and the tray to catch pritchels as well! Who else would have thought of that?
  22. I hope you were not insulted by my message. I did not want to insult you! I just want you to know that I am here in China. My wife is Chinese and completely bilingual. So if you have problems communicating with Anyang she could speak to them in Chinese and then translate into English for you. You should understand that I know nothing about power hammers!
  23. OK TRatto we can sort this out. First thing you need to do is calm down and concentrate on your English. Let me know exactly what is wrong and I will get my Chinese wife to speak to Anyang and see what can be done. That screw looks worn. Is it a piece of scrap that got in by mistake or has it dropped out of the machine? Massey rep. if you are reading this can you be of any help? Where is it from? (BTW did you find the reference to your company in the works of Edgar Allen Poe?) As soon as I have details Linna can contact Anyang.
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