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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by gerald

  1. Poel (a small Island in the Baltic Sea) Yeah, I had to look it up :)
  2. You know, I've never thought about a separate system. I usually have a cell phone at the barn/shop but, as Glenn says, what if things go REALLY bad and can't get the cell to work, etc. Air horn maybe? If so, where's the best place to hang it? I live pretty far out in the country (don't get Monday Night Football until Thursday night), so if the wife's not here, who would hear an air horn? Be interesting to read what solutions others come up with.
  3. Phil H, Do you think this happened because the heater overloaded the extension cord beyond its rating? Or do these things just sort of spontaneously catch fire without regard to load?
  4. Pretty slick set up, Makoz. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  5. Rivet?? Nope, that's for your pet frog. Hot Cut ... Chiseler... Coker ... Pritchel ... Cross Peen ... and, Heaven forbid, Tuyure.
  6. If you are in the southern hemisphere, wouldn't the Autumnal Equinox be the proper time??
  7. Somebody posted a while (few months) back that they had one of the retractable cords catch fire. If I remember correctly, it was one of those that feeds into a basket for storage. I've never used one of these but this post caught my attention. I don't remember where I saw the post. Anybody out there ever hear of a similar happening?
  8. Crake, it's a bird (I didn't know that until I looked it up.
  9. Grote, Grote, Grote which is another spelling of "groat" as in an oat groat.
  10. Irn, he should be very proud of these two items and hopefully he will use them until he wears the covers off.
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