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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by gerald

  1. ...and feed ol' SHEP.
  2. No, they gave us the SLIP.
  3. Good idea, Glenn. It looks like I messed up the starting word, too, since we've already had a repeat in the first three responses. Let's have a do-over that may get us off to a better start : New word is TENTS
  4. We have about run the course on four letter words, so let's kick it up to five letters Change one letter of the last word posted (by me at the bottom) and see who gets stuck and can't continue! Rules remain the same: 1. You cannot add letters. 2. No foreign words. 3. Change only one letter. 4. Remember, this is a family forum, so keep it clean. Only use words that you wouldn't mind explaining to your 7 year old grandaughter. ---------------------------------------------------------------- STARTING WORD -Quest ----------------------------------------------------------------
  5. 2007...that's good news. This is our (blacksmiths) Harry Potter book. We are willing to wait in line for it.
  6. Frank Turley talks about the "Three R's" of tapping. Rest, Rhythm, and Rumination (. The rhythm thing has already been addressed. I have about as much rhythm as a frog in a blender, so tapping anything isn't going to help. Unless I'm forging something humongous, I don't need to rest (that happens when the iron goes back in the fire for the next heat). Rumination (thinking) doesn't work for me either since I'm an honor grad of the "what I wish I had done school. All seriousness aside, I guess there isn't anything "wrong" with tapping, lot's of good smiths do it and if it helps, good.
  7. I don't purposely "TAP". As Irnsurgeon does, I occaisionally let the hammer bounce on the face between strokes, but it is not a concious tap.
  8. I had heard that Vol II was due out "this Fall". I asked Tal Harris (one of the contributors to the book) about this earlier this month. He said that he hadn't heard about the Fall publication and that he hadn't received anything to proof read yet. Sooo, I guess we continue to wait...and wait.
  9. I haven't seen the DVD set, but I can (and do) recommend the book. It covers all the bases for beginning and intermediate smithing. Good drawings, good text.
  10. Can't add letters....try again
  11. You can buy O-1 and W-1 Drill Rod in various sizes from Enco. Find their online catalog at Enco - Guaranteed Lowest Prices on Machinery, Tools and Shop Supplies
  12. Look at the Affiliates List on the ABANA site: [ABANA] The Artist Blacksmith's Association of North America, Inc.
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