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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by gerald

  1. Testes, and that makes two of 'em.
  2. I might add that all the wax/oil finishes we've talked about are generally thought of as "indoor" finishes. If you have a piece that will live outside, you need to consider some sort of paint/lacquer, etc.
  3. Pestis a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents
  4. Most finishes of the "wax/oil" variety are brushed onto the item at a heat warm enough to cause the stuff to melt and run into crevices and pores of the metal. The temp isn't critical but can be too hot and actually burn the finish stuff away before it does any coating. If wax smokes, I wait a little while until it melts and flows well without actually smoking. Some finishes (like Linseed oil, parrafin and bee's wax) can burn to a darker finish if applied to hotter metal. This can be used to advantage if you want a darker finish but can be a disadvantage if you want the "natural" patina of the metal to show thru. I use a natural bristle brush (a 1" paint brush, or a chip brush, or a basting brush) because sometimes I try to start brushing stuff on before it has cooled enough to be effective. When this happens, the bristles burn and I don't want to have some melted nylon gunk to clean off of the piece before I can continue. The natural bristles will just shrivel up and will brush off easily. As you experiment with different finishes, you will develop a feel for the proper temp that gives you the desired finish.
  5. I use several finishes: Linseed oil, Bee's wax, Johnson's paste wax, plain old parrafin, combination of B. wax, John's PW , & L. oil; but my favorite and most often used is MINWAX wood finishing wax. It goes on well and buffs to a nice deep shine.
  6. from PASTEL we get Pastil, Pastil, Pastil a medicated lozenge used to soothe the throat
  7. I want to reinforce Glenn's suggestion (mandate) that you get a notebook. An old friend always told me "A short pencil is better than a long memory". A companion piece to your notebook and pencil should be a digital camera if you have one.
  8. No, Acier, a hammer doesn't count. Some people (not me of course) have too many hammers, but a person can NEVER have too many friends. :)
  9. Beer this one's for you, Dale Russell.
  10. Paster as in one who pastes as a paper hanger or a first grader
  11. Lasted, Lasted, Lasted
  12. Going back to Keel which was the last "correct" answer (see JAYCO at the top of the page).... my response is Keep
  13. Lot's of tong/hammer racks in the blueprint section. Check them out. Good ideas.
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