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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by stretch

  1. There is no such a thing as extra stuff. I thought it was a sin to get rid of stuff, whether you use it or not. What do you think all that extra room under tables and on tables is for??????
  2. Stress is definately SELF imposed. We take parts of scripture that we like and the parts not quite as easy or we don't quite believe and throw them out and run with the ones we like. "my Yoke is easy and my burden is light". What does that mean? Does he mean it or not? It is true weather we believe it or not. That is why when we are stressed it is SELF imposed. God is there to carry our burdens and stress, He is just waiting for us to believe what he says and give up.
  3. using his hands as a poker was incredible. i liked it when he asked how much for the bracelet, the guy said to much and began bargaining. i would have just paid him, just to hope he can afford a hammer with a handle and maybe get a bit better anvil
  4. I love H13 and with this easier way to harden I am going to make more tools now. i have never taken a punch or hot cut to a red so am quite safe in not taking the temper out.
  5. H13 is tempered at about 1150 degrees which is a very dull red so it can be taken up to a dull red before the temper comes out. i didn't know you could take it to a yellow and do the same thing, a lot easier than trying to take it to the exact temp required and quenching it. i have quite a bit so will try up to a yellow and let it cool. thanks
  6. Yes bricks are used to hold the fire in. The same idea as a wood stove, we are just using gas as our fuel. If you use bricks a soft insulating brick is used as in pottery kilns. If used as i used them they don't stand up very well. i am a full time smith who uses his forge every day. I use an insulating refractory called "Plicast 2800" i find it is very tough and insulates quite well. Refractory is the substance used to make the bricks and their are a myriad of different types. I don't make bricks out of it, i cast my forge in 1 piece instead of separate bricks. i hope this makes sense to you
  7. i agree with the farrier teacher. A lot of people don't like to start small. The beginner classes i have taught we start out learning anvil comfort and hammering properly is shown. Hammering properly is very important and the students are continually reminded throughout the classes, because it is very important and we all have to be reminded until it becomes second nature. Then you teach to round something square, then take it to a point. The second day get them to design something with what they have learned, i have had surprising results that way. With that you can build a simple set of tongs. That takes in drawing, rounding, tool design and riveting. Very simple exercises and valuable. As you teach them the basic skills get them to build the tools to make what they are designing and it is much more rewarding and when they go home it is a lot easier for them to build new stuff and tooling up for a job is learned right from the start. And on and on it can go from here. This course design can be 2 days or 2 weeks, what ever you have planned.
  8. Here is the press i use. It is made in India and 10 ton. i put a lot handles in for grabbing in a hurry when working and the brake i put on it can be flipped with my thumb in a hurry. Just have to keep my head down, only got clipped once when i was distracted, never twice.
  9. i used to use firebrick, haven't used it for my last three forges. i discovered insulating castable refractory. i use Plicast 2800. If you type it in Google it will come up. Stands up real good to flux and you can make the forge however you want and any shape you need. i haven't used ITC 100 on any of them yet, will use it on my next one though. Heard it works real good. i get 5 or 6 years to a forge using it full time. i never got that out of a brick forge. It stands up real good to metal being pulled in and out of the front and back. There are other types of insulating refractories, this is the one i use and i have no trouble getting it.
  10. If you are just starting out smithing then the reply earlier about round and square of each size is the best. i wouldn't buy any big scrap I beam or anything unless you need it right now. Most of the big pieces i make tools and stuff from have come real cheap or given to me because i didn't need them at the time and someone was wanting to get rid of them. Have fun
  11. I love saying I am a newbie. At my age it feels good after a week of smithing. :D Blacksmith Forge Custom Wrought Iron Rod Iron Art Wrought Iron Art Ted
  12. I put a stop on my flypress cause it scared me not to. It can be flicked on or off with just my thumb. I also put handles in all the holes on the flywheel and when I am going full tilt I am not reaching for something to grab. Stretch Blacksmith Forge Custom Wrought Iron Rod Iron Art Wrought Iron Art
  13. stretch

    My Home

    Some of the toys I have accumulated in the last 30 years
  14. I am a blacksmith with a full time Smithy in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia Canada. I slave for Blacksmith Forge Custom Wrought Iron Rod Iron Art Wrought Iron Art :) Stretch Blacksmith Forge Custom Wrought Iron Rod Iron Art Wrought Iron Art
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