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I Forge Iron

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1) EBay
2) Blacksmith club meetings
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4) People who buy and sell blacksmith equipment
5) Junk yards, flea markets, and antique malls
6) Classified and trade sections of blacksmithing web sites


I have a one for sale but the shipping would KILL you! ;) Drive around the country and stop at old farm houses, I think you'd be surprised as to what is out there if you look. Just remember that some of this stuff has HIGH value---example---My great great grandpa used that to make yada, yada, yada. Do EVEN try to buy those...you can't afford them. But they are out there. Good luck.


Mike, if the tumble dryer don't work then go to your local auto wreckers and rip out the fan from a car heater. It'll have a three or four speed control built into the wiring loom to the dash controls.
It'll run from a 12v Battery or a charger and provide plenty of air. It'll just take time to seperate it from the car, but you can take some of the ducting as well.

It should be pretty cheap too.

hope this helps


well the fan and motor i got from the dryer is in good condition almost brand new and at my blacksmithing course im building a housing around it to suck in and shoot out air, exactly like a hand crank blower but it will just run from a motor


Damascus Mike , a second hand vacum cleaner ( 1 that blows ) from thrift shop will set you back a couple of $ , then hook it up to a light dimmer switch soin youse can control the speed . Noisy as all get out , but after 14 yr's you wont even notice it .... :) or plumb in an air gate & run " vac on FULL " openin' or closing " gate " for the amount of air needed .

Car thermo fan in a " box " works too , you can even get those in 2 speed

Dale Russell


its fine, ill just use the tumble dryer motor and fan, and ill finish building the housing for it, im still new to making stuff from metal so ill just try do it myself and ill gain experience if i stuff it up or if it works out perfect, i will post pictures once my forge is fully up and running with the blower.It should take about a month or so to fully build my forge.and then im gana build a press to do prescision work and a power hammer for the big heavy stuff such as making swords and knives and once they are small enough ill use my soon to be press.


You might try to build one from an old vacuum cleaner. They blow as well as suck, in fact the sucking and blowing are equal. Scrapped vacuums are cheap to free. You could control the airflow with a butterfly valve, which is pretty easy to make if you couldn't find one at the heating/ventilating department or shop.


with a piece or two of plywood and leather or thin vynal you can achieve a bellows of fair size relatively cheap its not a blower but it will give you air after all this is a craft that survived up until the last 200 yrs or so without hand cranked blowers or electric, just an Idea

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