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I Forge Iron

My Big Ugly Knife Thing


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My latest knife. Made by stock removal.

I started with a 1/4" by 2" leaf spring. I used a angle grinder cut off wheel to cut the tang area and the curve at the point.


Next, a hole lotta sanding on my belt sander.

Add some 1/4" brass pins, and a ton of epoxy...


And you get something that kinda looks like a knife., kinda... Maybe if you squinted at it.

Enjoy, -Andrei





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  • 1 year later...

Newbie here.....I like the knife! I've been working on staightened out coil springs myself. I call it my ugly stick...the others are works in progress, all coil springs...and the obligatory RR spike knife. Just havent tried putting a real handle on anything yet...no drill press.

Aren't springs great?




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Keep on making knives and ugly sticks, but please keep on showing us your work.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I was watching the discovery channel last night. They said the difference between a sword and a knife was kind of a personal interpretation. It depended on how you felt you could fight with it, close or far away.
So, your ugly stick could be a .....? Knife, or sword?
Just kidding! Thanks for the photos!
Be safe!

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