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I Forge Iron

Just how unconscious are some drivers?


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thats interesting i drove a tow truck for 10 years and got a AAA call for a disableld toyota truck they said it ws making noise when driving down the road as i'm winching it up on the flat bed i looked under neath it there was a deer carcuse wraped around the drive shaft wasn't much left i pulled it outand the truck drove away she said she never ran it over so i guess she was stoped and the deer thought it would be a good place to craw up into and hide

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I just got a new ford 3/4 ton for Christmas. It's nice to know that 60# of steel wrapped around the drive shaft won't damage the drive train! WOW The gumbo after a rain out in the Dakota's has been know to snap drive-shafts but this...

Now about the driver, I think this may be a lame attempt (hole in gas tank) to enter the Darwin Awards annual competition.

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Being in the service industry (not automotive) this kind of thing does not really surprise me, you would be amazed at just how many stupid people are around us on a daily basis, it really is scary, talk to anyone who is in the service industry and they will have dozens of stories that would just amaze you.
However the ones who drive vehicles are the scariest, my granddad and my dad drilled it into me since I was a little kid, when you get behind the wheel of an automobile to drive, you are in control of a 4000 lb + killing machine and if you don’t respect it and stay completely aware of it then you are going to get killed or worse yet kill someone else.
It really is scary to see what people do and don’t do when their driving.


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