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has anyone built an air hammer

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has anybody on iforge built an air hammer before. i am considering building one after christmas and would like to be tutored from time to time. i do have some plans and i have a workshop. i am a boilermaker by trade but i think i am still giong to have fun working this one out. at the moment the flow of the air is going to be tricky for me seting up allthose valves considering that i don't have a clue and on the plans that i have i can't really see how the slider thingy works. you know i really need to see one in real life. haven't done that yet either. i have a power hammer that i am not really happy with. i want the air hammer for control so i can start making some f those cool jigs that i have seen on the blue prints.

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where are you? I have built a kinyon style hammer ... the valveing is inportant and a large compressor helps also..i didnt like mine because it cycled too slow for me..ive got a perfect power hammer and fro drawing things out it is nice! for die work ime useing a fly press... hope this helps .. good luck!

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you can find several interesting video's on youtube if you type in ''Kinyon Air Hammer''. The one's with the bearded chap show a run through of the hammer and you can see the control system.

Amazing tool the internet, but that being said you will not beat actually getting up close and personal to one and crawling all over it.

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Hey dale i am interested and i can't wait to crawl all over your hammer soon. I reckond that I might see you in less than 2 weeks. I am worried about price a little bit, see how we go. At the moment i have been very busy with work and we are having trouble with the internet so they have got me on dial up untill they fix the problem.

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hey dablacksmith I am in Toowoomba Queensland Australia.It is the kinyon style that I have plans for. A fellow give them to me at a blacksmith festival the other day the plans seem very easy but the slider bit i can't really see that clear with the printing and my wife spent all day trying to find those plans on line. I reckond I will have fun with the air flow. You do scare me a little bit with the performance that you wasn't happy with. I was willing to get a very good air compressor because it will come in handy in my workshop anyhow. The bigger the ram, the bigger the air compressor, and choosing air over power to get control wouldn't this air hammer be i deal. That was my theory don't know whether it is right or not. Then if i could copy someones plumbing that would be great. PeterDe4 are you in Australia and are you happy with the one that you built. there is suspose to be a fellow near me somewhere that builds them and sells them and i was going to ask one of my customers if he would give me his phone number so i can see whether he will help me out with the questions when istart building it. he might not though because he sells them. one of my customers told me about this fellow. you never know you might be able to help me. Ian once i get off this dial up i will have a look at you tube but like you said you want to get up real close and get personal.Well i will be meeting dale soon so i can have a look at what he has.

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Michael T
I live in the State of Delaware, USA. I'm very happy with the one I built. I need a bigger compressor, as the one I have now runs on a 90% duty cycle when I'm using the hammer hard, and my compressor's not designed for that. The biggest problem I had was getting the cylinder/slider allignment correct. There's a fellow in Canada, I believe his name is Robertson, who builds the Kinyon style hammers with the cylinder mounted from a top support instead of on the top plate. In other words, the cylinder mounts from a fabricated upper support instead of a 4 hole mounting plate. It uses an eye and pin for the connection. This set up looks like it would eliminate a lot of those alignment problems. I have a schematic for the pneumatics that I can forward to you if you want to give me an email address.

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hey pete do you reckond that you could give me some detailed photos of your hammer aswell the schematic pneumatics. So did you do the same setup as the robertson fellow. would be interesting to se some photos of that. You know I really need to look at one up close. I have only ever seen a power hammer can't wait till I get off this dial up. you know those rams look like the ones i use to connect up to the back tailgates on tippers when i was doing my trade building truck bodies. its the slider that i am interested in looking at because the frame looks easy to make. what size ram are you using and what size of air compressor are you using. better question if you could do it all again what would you use and if you had no limmits what size and specs on a air compressor. can you answer both of those questions please. what ever help i can get will be appreciated my email adress is [email protected] wouldn't mind seein the ram mounted aswell

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how are you going Krush i am looking for detailed photos i have been talking with peter as you can read and my email address is [email protected] do not know what the gib is but am inerested in those photos. when i have built this thing i am going to put a photo of this hammer on this website. I have already built a gas forge that went well i will put a photo of that aswell.

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I just got thru registering on this website about 10 minutes ago. Thought that I would browse the site, a bit. Hello to all from the new guy.
I have been selling plans for a "build-it-yourself" hammer. I call it the "Li'l Abner" air hammer. I designed it about 6 years ago and am still using the prototype in my shop. For particulars see it on my website rmetalart.com
:rolleyes: It is very satisfying to build tools, and an air hammer is too useful not to have.

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how are you going Medieval. You know i just looked at your sight and your hammer. you know that your hammer looks abit like ron kinyons hammer. Albana is selling the plans for $15. thats a big jump comparing to what your selling them for. I am certainly not disrespecting you.Well i am knew to this web site aswell and i find this site and the fellows on it to be very helpful. hope you enjoy

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