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I Forge Iron

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Posted (edited)

That horn looks a little thicker than most Trentons that I have seen. That one almost looks like it's shaped by a Columbian to me.

Of course I could be off my rocker and highlander could be right on the money.

On second thought, I think I see a top plate, which a cast Columbian wouldn't have...

Edited by Sask Mark

Looks a lot like a Columbian! But I think that al columbian anvils carry a letter C on it, whereas this one has a prominent letter "V". A puzzle by all means.


Psilogen, Last night we had 2" of rain. Today it is in the seventies. You can imagine how quickly an anvil rusts. So both mine are painted. The face is usually greased after use to prevent rust. If I am going to be away all summer I either grease or sometimes even paint the face. The humidity here in the summer rots everything.

So THAT is why I paint anvils. I can't speak for anybody else.

SteveH my Vaughans came in the same blue. All except for one patch they missed under the horn. Look on yours and see if that one needs a touch up as well. Fine anvils!


its looks like the trenton we had in school but that was a long time ago and i'm not a expert on this either and it looks like a tool plate welded on there as for my anvil its only about 30-40 years old it came painted green new from the factory when dad had bought it but it may been painted as it camr from sewden i think is what it says

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