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I Forge Iron

Hydraulic Cylinder rod uses

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I think the chrome plating makes it kind of problematic for forging no matter what kind of steel it is since heating it to forging temperature will cause all kinds of dangerous heavy metal inhalant issues.  You can remove the chrome with acid but then you have the problem of disposing of toxic metal contaminated acid and residue.  Maybe bury the treaded end 6' into the ground to make a chrome plated hitching post? 

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand." 

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I don't have anything that needs hitching except the dogs. Wifey or kids won't hold still long enough. (That's a joke) Maybe a decorative fence in front yard?  Part of a "ratrod" project? Sounds like welding is an issue too. Perhaps burning the chrome off in a firepit? or grinding?  I know it's a stretch, It's a beautiful shinny chunk of steel.  I hate to just let it go. Well, anyways it'll get moved to the back yard for now.

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For welding you can grind the chrome away locally to the steel underneed and weld on it.

Putting the rod in a campfire is like putting it in a forge. A lot of nasty chrome that you will inhale.

A hydraulic shop mostly can or know a place where they rechrome those things. And those people can take it off.

You can also use it as an anvil. I use a pen as an anvil

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Contact a local plating company and see how much it would cost to get the chrome removed. If they can put it on they can take it off. Also it may be a lot cheaper than you think. Regardless a phone call to ask is free. 

I have burned paint off in a bon fire but i would never think of doing chrome plating, or even zinc for that matter. 

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