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I Forge Iron

Blower from shop


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From what I have read on this forum, such a blower is way over powered for our purposes. I have a charcoal kiln with a 3/4 inch tuyere side blast, and I use the dc motor and fan from a hair dryer. My controller has never been set for more than 50 percent on an 18 volt battery. Leaf blowers like I see in your picture put out way more cf of air than the hair dryer motor.

Still, you could certainly use it if you could use only a portion of the cf produced via either a waste gate or valve set up. My thinking is, if it's free, you should at least try it. You will learn quite a bit no matter what happens. If it is going to cost you, I'd do a bit more research to be sure it was suitable.


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IT's  not like leafblower it can be converted to vacuum  if you add bag, i was wondering is it too strong becasue you can adjust speed by switch, maybe some valve can be added but iam not sure is this suitable for forge.


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It might work, Natkova. I tried to find out what a standard hair dryer puts out in volume of air, but the numbers are all over the place and who knows if they are accurate. If I had to guess, an inexpensive hair dryer (what I use for my charcoal forge) puts out roughly 50 CFM, which if this English Major knows how to google, is 1.4 m3/m.

That can give you a good starting point. Run it at just under half speed and see if it is too much air. The variable speed control will be very nice if you get the blower to work. If you're handy, you might think about wiring in a toggle switch for on/off. That can save as much as 50% of your charcoal.

How familiar are you with running charcoal for forging?

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Natcova, I forgot to add a link to a comment that shows my set up with a controller, battery, and dc motor source. Don't let the subject title fool you: my forge is not a JBOD anymore. I've move passed that, but the blower info is apropos.

Good luck and feel free to ask more questions.


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