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I Forge Iron

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Have you looked through the Iforge section about stands? I'm a huge fan of welded steel tripod stands as being quieter than wood, stable on any stable surface and stout as can be. That's just me though, use what you like, even if it isn't the best for your situation, practice WILL make up for any but the worst situations.

Frosty The lucky.


I am leaning towards something simple for the moment. I dont have a welding set up, so that for now is out of the question. If i can find a suitable stump locally or ill just make one out of some lumber for now, just something to see if i actually enjoy it. Everything looks fun and simple when watching a professional do things, sometimes when i try it i end up with at least a broken ego and worse  broken bones. 

a couple of 4x6 some glue  lag bolts  wood dowels some clamps, thats something i can do in short order and cheaply just to get started with in a few weeks. 


Lots of guys who've been smithing for decades have anvils stands made from lumber, some screwed and glued some through bolted, some, who the heck knows. 2x12s make an excellent stand, if  you leave two outside boards an inch or so long so it extends above thee anvil's feet your anvil will stay put with almost no hold downs.

If you use larger timbers securing the anvil becomes a bit more work, its not hard work but personally I try to avoid work I don't have to do. ;)

Frosty The lucky.


Nice to know. I am a carpenter by trade so wood builds are more my comfort zone. Have to come up with a good plan been looking at what many others have done probably just going with something simple for now. Then have to decide where I want to do all the work and set that all up first. Dont want to just rush into it. 2x12 or 4x 6 it's all up in the air, I'll pick one and get started for sure.

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