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I Forge Iron



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I'm new to the site.  I'm new to the idea of blacksmithing.  I'm in the process of building a coal forge and a propane forge.  I have 4 kids and 3 seem interested in knife making and larger dagger type of smithing.  I have always been interested in blacksmithing.  My wife and I are in the process of building a homestead in the mountains of East TN.  Slow painful process!

Had double hernia surgery yesterday.

Forums look like there is a wealth of knowledge and mentor-ship available across the smithing world.

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Welcome to this world! Don't be in a hurry, trying to lift things, let Mother Nature take care of your mending process.

Don't be in a hurry trying to get 'ALL THE TOOLS' you think you will need for Blacksmithing. You need a heat source (a camp fire?), something to hit on (a large Rock), something to hit with (a Claw Hammer or a smaller Rock on a stick), something to hold what you have heated (cheap Vice Grips). Most Important!!!!! Something to protect your Ears ans Eyes!!!!!!!!  With these basic Tools, you can make all your other Tools. Patience, Patience, Use your Thinking Cap!!!!!


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Welcome aboard from 7500' in SE Wyoming.  Glad to have you.

I suggest that you watch some GOOD videos on You Tube.  Be aware that there are some BAD and dangerous ones there too.  I like Black Bear Forge, JPL Services (our own Jennifer), and Torbjorn Ahman from Sweden.  Some folk like Alec Steele's videos by I find his presentation a bit annoying.  Also, invest in some good insgtructional books.

Also, find the nearest Artist Blacksmith Association of North America and join.  Look up the Appalachian Area Chapter of Blacksmiths.  There is nothing like learning in person from a more experienced smith.  Yes, you can learn on your own as a lone eagle.  I did it in the late '70s and I don't recommend it.  At that time there was no internet and all I had were some books from the library and a lot of my own mistakes.

There is a lot more to blacksmithing than just blade making.  In fact, I seldom make knives because most of the work in making a blade is at the bench and I'd rather be hitting hot metal.

Find a comfortable chair, your favorite beverage, and block out a few hours to b rowse around in the old posts and threads on iforgeiron.  Some of the threads will wander from the original subject but sometimes that is the most interesting part.

This forum is pretty unique.  It is truly a family and group of friends who welcome just about anyone warmly.  Ages run from early teens to 80s.  Education from dropouts to advanced degrees.  Just about any kind of professional and life experience that you can think of, and willing to share knowledge with anyone.  Just avoid politics, religion, and sex and keep your language suitable for a 10 year old girl and you will do just fine here.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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