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I Forge Iron

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Sorry the welds are just tacked an need adjustment before final welds,but it’s also a weird angle on the camera lol,

yes I’ve lined all these I’ve made with clay,

their steel but they last a lot longer lined,



Have you thought of making the legs detachable? I'm thinking a pipe receiver welded to the forge pan the legs will slid into. A slot and pin would align the legs so the feet point the right direction. It'd sure make storage and transport a lot easier.

Just thinking. My head is full of thoughts, they're everywhere. EVERYWHERE I TELL YOU!

Frosty The Lucky.


Thanks Jerry, 

I did think about making this one with detachable legs like I did on the tiny Buffalo forge

but I decided to go ahead an make this one solid just to try it out an see if I like it better or worse than the other one, 

thats the nice thing about these pancake forges there cheap an easy to make so I can make everyone a little different an try something new! 

use it for awhile and if I don’t like it I can build another one lol

i haven’t forgot about your suggestion I build a mini hamburger sized portable forge either,

I’ve already found some stuff to build it with, now I’m just lookin for a mini blower to go with it, but that’s another project lol


I appreciate the fact you don't have enough projects to keep you occupied and try coming up with new ones for you. What else are friends for?

On a serious note, most of my ideas SHOULD be forgotten!

Frosty The Lucky.


Thanks for your review Randy! It’s nice to get someone else’s opinion! 

i like my big forges but those little pancakes use a lot less fuel and are easy to move around!

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