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I Forge Iron

Is this a legitimate Tenton Anvil

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I wont lie. This looks like one of those anvils that a collector would go for. Many asked about and questioned are really just user anvils. 

But in all honesty, I don't know but wow is it nice, And not a Trention stamp I've seen before. 

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Hmm sometimes looks like a pair of cats were clogging on my keyboard...

Early stamp and weight on the curve low down; still a Trenton, I couldn't make out what the underside of the base looked like.

78 is a bit light for a shop anvil; but would make a travel anvil. It's in beautiful shape; if you could find a collector they might want it.

Now on that price was that Australian dollars or Canadian dollars or Singapore dollars?   This is a world wide forum.  That would be an unusually high price for a 212# Trenton in the USA; I recently sold a 248# Peter Wright for US$4 a pound though I might have got $5 a pound if I sat on it a while. Most of the market is in *using* anvils not "collecting" anvils.  As an improvised anvil is often almost as good as a "commercial anvil" and way better than an ASO  I usually direct folks starting out to them rather than the overpriced ones I see on the net.

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Under US$3 a pound is about the same as $8 a pound?  You should be able to buy a steel 110# Acciaio for under $3 a pound and get a heavier anvil to boot! 78# is pretty light unless you will only be doing small work.

My lightest anvil (besides the Y1K one) is 91# and the one that gets the most use in the shop is 165#.

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