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I Forge Iron

Buffalo 2E


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  Was at the flea market last week and came accross a blower.  A Buffalo 2E.  The impeller and housing appeared intact, motor is seized and no speed control.  Guy wants $100 U.S.  Is it worth it?  Pretty much just the impeller, housing, and motor mount.   No stand. I didn't think about getting a picture. But will tomorrow.

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If there is the possibility of freeing up the motor or having it rebuilt, it probably would be worth it. If the motor is truly shot, it wouldn't be worth $100 to me. A quick search here are some threads.





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No. you just need a blower. Nothing special about a motorized blower; any motorized blower will do---look at an HVAC repair place and see if they have any exhaust assist blowers from super efficient home furnaces in their bone pile---might get one for free!

Now a hand crank blower is different; they are worth trying to get working again if they have no damaged or missing parts.  The only good zero electricity replacement for a hand crank would be a bellows.

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