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I Forge Iron

Newbie from Central KY


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Hey all, just wanted to say hi.  I’m just getting into metal working a little and every search led me to this forum.  I’m hoping to really dig into projects this year.  I have never worked with metal before, unless soldering electronics counts (I personally don’t think it does).

I plan to start with some simple stock removal knife projects (almost done with a simple drop point from a small spanner) and work my way to doing some hammer and anvil work.  I have to save up to get some of the tools I’ll need.Right now I’m working with VERY basic tools, like files, c clamps, and a dremel... but I do have a 12x20 shop area I’m working on in my basement. 

My background is pretty broad; aviation, mechanics, electronic security, computer science, material/supply chain, and finance. None of those really help with blacksmithing, welding, or blade work. I’ve already learned a lot just reading around a little, and I expect I’ll learn a lot more as I dive into some more reading on the forum. 

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Welcome to the forum Josh. Those areas of your background may help you in ways you wouldn't think of. I had no real experience with metal either. But art and running a business spill over into my smithing by the way I look at things, the way I manage my time, organization, quality of work, ethics, etc. It's not just brute strength and pounding away on something with a hammer. Your brain gets a workout too! I hope you can get started soon and before you know it, you'll be hopelessly addicted. 

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Welcome aboard. I'm not sure exactly where you are but I'm in Grant Co. It's probably not too far from you. 

You'd be surprised how little you actually need to get into smithing. I got started for less than fifty bucks. Closer to twenty five probably. Any heavy piece of steel will work for an anvil and here's a  link to a thread about a forge you could probably build with stuff you have laying around and be forging by tonight or tomorrow.https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/44842-just-a-box-of-dirt-or-a-simple-side-blast-forge/

Glad to have you, be safe and remember it's supposed to be fun.



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2 hours ago, CrazyGoatLady said:

Welcome to the forum Josh. 

CGL  Thanks for the welcome! I do think my prior experience will help with problem solving and, if I take it further one day, a business.  I’m already addicted and I haven’t even used heat yet!

1 hour ago, pnut said:

Welcome aboard. I'm not sure exactly where you are but I'm in Grant Co. It's probably not too far from you. 

Pnut  I pass through your area every couple months to see family.  You’re about an hour north. I’m just south of Lexington.  

I appreciate the link! I was looking at a coffee can forge for heat treating knives, but I wanted to do coal for the hammer and anvil type projects.   Pay day today, so I may get my coffee can forge stuff after work :) 

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Josh welcome aboard...have you read this yet? It will help you get the best out of the forum with tips on how to keep the moderators happy.:) READ THIS FIRST

Working out of your basement, I strongly recommend reading this section.


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