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I Forge Iron

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I am looking for any info on a forge. It has part of a name. C. HA_ _ _ _MAN"S CO. PAT July 3, 1877, And a bucking horse. It looks like it is all there but it's frozen up. I will probably look to free it all up.

Thanks! Michael

Forge 1.jpg



I take a hose or pressure washer to the blower before I do anything drastic like take it apart. Lots of critters think the impeller fan makes dandy nesting grounds and half a century of mud dobbers and mouse skeletons can jam things up. Of course every kid on earth with a chance will drop stuff in while turning the blower, they make neat sounds you know. :wacko:

They are robust pieces of machinery meant to last centuries and be reasonably easy to rebuild just don't get in a hurry. If it still won't turn once you're sure its not jammed it's tie to give it a soak in 50/50 acetone/ATF. Every couple days give it a little rattle back and forth to help loosen the crud, the soak will break rust.

If that fails it's time to open her up, hopefully it's only a lock pin slipped part way out or a gear has moved on it's shaft.

Frosty The Lucky.


I am not sure about the ATF acetone mix i usually use PB Blaster on rusted up things. But if irondragon and frosty both recommend it i would use it. Plus a can of Blaster is like $9 as a quart of tranny fluid is $3. 

However i do know ATF. I would suggest not getting the new stuff that is mostly synthetics but get either a dexron 3 (dex-merc) or a type F. The new stuff does not have the detergents in it that the older style fluids had. I would guess that it is the detergents that make it break up the rust, kind of the same way they will wash away the clutch material on a burned up tranny. 


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