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I Forge Iron

Desire to learn Blacksmithing, based out of SC


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Hello everyone, nice to be here. Looking for a constructive way to spend my free time and learn something at the same time so I landed on this. Always had an interest in the old ways of doing things and I think this is a happy medium. Doing research on my own, but it’s limited. My only visual experience is YouTube and Forged in Fire but you can’t interact and ask a tv questions. 

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We suggest you pack a lunch and a cold drink.  Welcome to the site.


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How old the old ways?  Pre 1000 C.E.?   For 19th and early 20th century have you read the Foxfire books, especially "Foxfire 5: Ironmaking, Blacksmithing, Flintrock Rifles, Bear Hunting, and Other Affairs of Plain Living".

Here in the USA when people use the term "traditional" they often mean 19th century and often English/Northern European though there are a lot of other "traditions" around.

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15 hours ago, AJM said:

YouTube and Forged in Fire but you can’t interact and ask a tv questions. 

No but you can yell at them when you see someone doing something really stupid.:D

Have you seen this? https://www.iforgeiron.com/forum/29-philip-simmons-artist-blacksmith-guild-of-south-carolina/

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Thank you for all the responses. I did find that Phillip Simmons Blacksmith Guild into on here and was planning on the Dec 1st demo. Really looking forward to that and getting some actually experience seeing a blacksmith work. I’ll have to look up ABANA affiliates clubs near me, thanks Irondragon. And to Mr Powers question, I was thinking of 19th and 20th century. I’m gonna check out that FoxFire book you mentioned. Again, thank you for all the helpful info and encouraging words. Specially the little bit about bringing a lunch 

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