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I Forge Iron

Recommended tongs


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Well, stating the obvious, you need to make tongs that will hold the stock with which you are working. V jaw will give you flexibility to use round or square. With that size stock they will need to be beefy. Maybe think about adapting something like farrier nippers or flea market finds to your needs. Tongs, especially that size can be a frustrating experience for a noob.


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My latest pair of tongs was a pair of V-bits to hold 7/8” square, which is what fits my hardy hole. This lets me forge the stem at the end of a longer piece, cut the hardy off the parent stock, and then forge the business end to shape. 


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Thankfully I don't get frustrated to easily and tend to work on a problem until I win. I figured it will be a bit of a chore to make a set but not nearly as bad as trying to make hardi tools out of 2" tool steel, at least I don't imagine they would use mild steel to as pump motor shaft. I picked up some ¾" cold rolled today would that be thick enough or I have some coil spring about that size as well if you think it would be better.

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