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I Forge Iron

Rail road.

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Your English is much better than our Swedish (at least mine). :lol:

Do you want to forge the railroad spike or the rail? In other words, do you want to use the big nails that hold the track or what the train rides on?

Railroad track or rail is good steel and can be forged into many useful things. The spikes are not as high in carbon but are convenient and can be made into both sculpture and some types of tools.

Your teacher probably was talking about the railroad track, which is harder to forge than the spikes.

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Look at the top of your post as soon as you post it and you can see when it was posted at Eastern standard time.



I'm not sure if the RRs in Sweden use the same kind of parts and pieces, but here are some links to RR steel info.

To maybe help on translation, you might want to look for a "text translator" to down load. You english is very good, and I'm sure as you use it more often it will become even better! :)

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Karl; if you search around you can probably find the specifications for railroad track in Sweden.

Here in the USA it is around 70 points of carbon and has an appreciable manganese content for work hardening in use.

This steel will feel harder under the hammer when forging and should not be quenched in water especially in thin section as the Mn content promotes deep hardening and so it's likely to crack. Like most high carbon steels you need to not let it get cold while hammering as well---if it's not glowing don't hammer on it!


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