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I Forge Iron

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I don't have picture of the finished product, but my Dad repaired my Grandpa's anvil. He said markings on it are "SB" "13" I would assume the 13 is the stone weight, 182 lbs. which seems about right. Any information would be helpful. It is old, like 1925 or earlier I would guess.

anvil pic.doc


American made anvils didn't use stone weight AKA CWT or the Hundredweight system so we need to be able to figure out the maker first.

and btw 13 for stone weight would have to be 1 3 X with the weight being at or above (112 x 1) + (3 x 28) + (X) (with X<28) which equals 196+ not 182.

Could it have been a mis-struck 8 instead of a 3 making it most likely an american anvil with the last digit missing?

So is it a built up anvil? What does the bottom of the anvil look like?


The feet style indicate old English. The underside profile of the horn is indicative of a Mousehole anvil. Do the numbers on the side have punch marks between them?


I hope to have this anvil home here sometime this summer, perhaps I jusmped the gun on the IDing of this anvil. Will be easier once it is here.
Thanks for all the responses. More updates to follow...

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