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I Forge Iron

Crazy idea?

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Yeah, it's a crazy idea. Probably a good reason brush hog blades are designed the way they are considering what they hit in use. If you still want to be crazy and try to put a buzz saw blade on a brush hog, just find one that fits - and stand back while it's running...WAY BACK. Making a circular saw blade would involve some fine degree of precision and balancing, I'd think.

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The crazy part is that they would be expensive to make and in use they would get mangled fast and NOT be repairable.  Hard to mess up a standard hog blade that you couldn't fix with an angle grinder and if you do need to replace they are relatively cheap as they are relative simple. The weed cutters that use saw blades use small cheap ones and *you* are in charge of not hitting anything bad with them!

Think of it: I hit a rock, I have to replace the blade; I hit a stump, I have to replace the blade, I kit some scrap metal I have to replace the blade.

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