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I Forge Iron

My Clontz/Spencer tire hammer build

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Well it's almost done. I have a few more parts to make and some more welding to do. The column to slide housing will be welded in today and the motor wired.

I am making my dies from 4140 to start with. The laser cut patterns I made helped a lot. I am curious, has anyone filled their columns

with sand to help with the noise? Any noise reduction would be a bonus. The wife has offered to do the final clean up grinding and painting.

Thanks all!





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I hope to have it moved this afternoon! Can anyone tell me what they have used under their tire hammer to

protect the concrete from cracking from the pounding? I was thinking maybe a small rubber mat from the big box stores.

Thanks all!

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Thank you for that! I bought a recycled rubber mat from the big box store and put it on the 24" thick reinforced concrete pad before bolting it down. Worked great! What a fantastic machine. It is very stable and controllable. I can hit as hard or soft as I want. I'm glad I took extra care in balancing the tire assembly and making sure it ran within .005 on total run out.  I will be making a video soon.

Thanks again all!


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7 hours ago, zadvorney said:

Nice job on the build.  They give off one heck of a wallop when you're working.  Ear protection is a must.  Decided on a color yet? I never painted mine and I kind of like it that way. LOL

Thank you! It does give a whallop for sure! The sand / rubber mat has it down to a much quieter hit however. I have had to re tighten the anchors twice now as it settles into the rubber mat. The isolation pad makes a big difference in the low noise level too.

I was thinking of leaving it as made but the wife has offered to paint it a smoke/gray and black combination. Who am I to say no.. Lol!


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