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I Forge Iron

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Hello! I am the Program Director for the Boy Scouts of America based in Anchorage. We are looking for help with a blacksmithing program at one of our camps this summer. We have a camp located at mile 133 of the Parks Hwy (near the Denali Princess Lodge) called the Denali High Adventure Scout Base. Each summer, Boy Scout units come to camp and participate in a week of activities, including our popular metalworking/blacksmithing program! 

We have struggled to find a staff member or volunteer for the weeks of July 3-July 23 who has functional knowledge and skill in blacksmithing to help teach the Scouts. Can anyone provide a recommendation of someone you know who may be interested or available? Any interested parties can contact myself at [email protected]

This program focuses on teaching the metalworking merit badge (https://www.meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Metalwork) and exposing Scouts to blacksmithing as a hobby/career. It helps them develop basic blacksmithing knowledge and skills as well. Thanks for the help!

You can find out more information about our camp at our website: https://www.scoutingalaska.org/DHASB


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