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I Forge Iron

Looking for Anvil Cheap

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Go to your scrap yard and get a big chunk of steel. Don't waste money on a Harbor Freight ASO that is porrer quality than mild steel. Eventually, you will find a London pattern anvil. Look up the TPAAAT teqniqe. Nobody here on this forum is going to sell you an anvil for less that it is worth.

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Myself as well. All i have are high dollar anvils and thought it cool if i could build one from scrap i have. Cost me next to nothing. I did have to buy a heavy walled tubing for hardie  tools.  When i pick that up and weld it on, i will be pretty close to done.

I used it a bit and it does work. Need the hatdie hole tubing to make it fully functional.


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You are surrounded by non London pattern anvils. Go to scrap yards, rental yards, heavy equipment repair shops, heavy manufacturing/fabrication shops, etc.... And look for things like  forklift forks, hydraulic breaker points, large shafts, bucket pins, chunks of steel, heavy plate, or any other suitable mass to hammer on. It doesn't have to have a horn and a heel to be a real anvil.

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I like truck axles for anvils. Mount it flange up at the right working height for you and any that needs to be trimmed off to make height is good steel for bottom tools, hammers, etc. You can cut an axle with a hack saw no special tools necessary. A disk grinder to clean the center of the flange is much easier than filing but you can file if you wish to go non powered shop.

Any shafting on end makes a terrific anvil it has a tremendous depth of rebound. The more steel directly below the blow the more effective it will be moving metal.

Frosty The Lucky.

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