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I Forge Iron

1st-Timer Forge Build Fun ( or 'Hey look, still not blowed up')


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While I haven't combined sodium silicate with alumina hydrate, I have used alumina hydrate along with Kaolin and Zirocpax.  It--the alumina hydrate--effectively sloughed off and proved to be very dusty. 

Let us know how your experiment turns out!

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I will Ede, thanks for the encouragement. It really feels like I am out in left field here.

Found this recipe for Satanite:

Silica (SiO2) 34.8%

Alumina (Al2O3) 59.4%

Titania (TiO2) 2.6%

Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 1.5%

Lime (CaO) 0.3%

Magnesia (MgO) 0.4%

Alkalies (Na2O+K2O) 1.1%

Then this site shows an alternative called Kerathin showing a breakdown using Silica and Alumina again:


I think i will mix up something close to 85/15 as I can do. Wish me luck.



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Mixed up a runny batch.


Here is the test area where flame was impacting the most, and chowdering up the hi temp cement.


I will give it a test firing tomorrow and set the burner for max O2 to produce some CO2 which apparently Water Glass is hardened by.

This will be under the kiln shelves afterwards, but I still want to try and seal up the powdering refractory, even underneath the Alumina shelves.

And here is our patient prepped for surgery, masonry cutting blade at hand. It cut thru like butter. Crunchy butter...


4 x 7" floor, and 2 3 x7" sides. I will chamfer the mating corners and the leading and trailing edges of the shelves.


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A low heat 5 minute firing turned all the new coating solid white where exposed, and a slightly creamy white underneath the kiln plates.

Texture is mostly smooth, except where put on lumpy or dripped.


Kiln shelves join up fairly well, still lower than the door opening. Flame curls around the edge well enough.


Same mix applied to all surfaces that might shed dust. It goes on fairly translucent, which is surprising considering the amount of alumina involved.


After it dried, a second coat of ITC-100 over all reflective interior surfaces. It was cut with liquid glass as well. Sealed kiln shelves down.

I am hoping that it can capture flux drips. Time will tell. I attempted to get a lip formed on the front  floor edge and a seal on the back edge.



Area underneath kiln shelves is left empty cause I tired of xxxxxxx WITH THIS!!!! GAAA! I WANT MY xxxx FORGE WORKING.



Nearly there.


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After adjusting the burner OUT of the forge as per Mikes instructions, AND discovering the outlet sleeve had loosened up and could travel over an inch, I think I am getting some good heat.I am letting it cool off, then may do one final (fifth) full heat burn. I attempt to heat some metal again, then.



Still getting some snap, crack, pop. Very little dust so far (progress!)

I will leave these 2 pics full size, as the flame is a little hard to pick out.

I THINK the spread looks good, and it is visible curling up the far wall before disappearing.

The burner tip is maybe an 1/2" in from the interior.

Does this look about right? This is running at about 8psi.

Here is a short video, as the flame is not showing up great above.

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