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I Forge Iron

Greetings from east Texas


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Thanks in advance for the knowledge yall pass on.  I realize that going to school would save some headaches in learning but as a self employed (read broke) 37 year old disabled widower, (pothole didnt treat harley tires my back or my late wife nicely, ) im doing it in the way that i can afford. My interests lie in "true blacksmithing." I want to learn the art not just pound out substandard blades for a quick buck. So far im working with horseshoes farrier rasps and the obligatory rr spike while beating my head against the anvil trying to keep the anthracite coal that is the only thing ive been able to source nearby, hot enough to heat consistently. Sorry to ramble 

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Welcome, Lonewolf79. Good to have you here.

If you haven't read the "Read this first" post at the top of the "Introduce yourself" section, please do so now.

There are some really good threads on IFI about how best to use anthracite for forging. To the excellent advice you will find there, I add this tidbit: pounding your head against the anvil can result in minor skin lesions. Try a wooden block instead.

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Now, Now; a *Texan* pounding their head on the anvil may result in dinging the face of the anvil......(Like they say about marines: "a marine  should be able to break an anvil with a rubber mallet")

Can I ask a bit more about "true blacksmithing"?  I study the history of the craft so traditional blacksmithing for me is pretty much pre Bessemer steel; which only leaves me a couple of thousand years of smithing to investigate.  Many people I run into base their "traditional" blacksmithing on just the last hundred and fifty years of the craft, (post Bessemer Steel).  I had one fellow tell me he would never use "modern" tools like the powerhammer; but he was using mild steel, (post 1850's) and the earliest powerhammer I've documented was in the 900's and was water powered.  Also if you are working alone in your shop that is about as normal for traditional blacksmithing as your neurosurgeon being the only person in the operating room.

One of the smiths I know after being twitted about "true path" blacksmithing came up with his own designation: he was a "twisted path blacksmith"  and I have proudly applied that term to my own work.

Thomas who can stand on his front porch and see Texas; and let me say Welcome!!!!!

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6 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Now, Now; a *Texan* pounding their head on the anvil may result in dinging the face of the anvil......(Like they say about marines: "a marine  should be able to break an anvil with a rubber mallet")

Can I ask a bit more about "true blacksmithing"?  

One of the smiths I know after being twitted about "true path" blacksmithing came up with his own designation: he was a "twisted path blacksmith"  and I have proudly applied that term to my own work.

By traditional blacksmithing i mean im in it for the craft i. I will make knives because they sale but id be happy making a froe traces horseshoes nails decorative hooks cookware etc. Coming from being a musician previously its about the quality more than quantity. Except in my situation maybe itll keep me off gubment subsidy for disability hopefully. 


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Well if you look under my name...My Casita is just south of La Union NM and so I am looking out at North West El Paso across the cotton fields and pecan orchards.  I-10 runs along the other side of the valley (and goes North-South through here).  I was just mentioning to my wife how the lights along I-10 looked like the lights on the other side of a lake the valley is so dark right here.

I work in Mexico so I have a small rental house down here close to the border crossing and a larger house and shop up in Central NM.

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From one Texan to another Texan, Welcome LoneWolf!

If you are ever near hear for what ever reason, I sell coke (Blacksmithing kind lol) PM me if you want more info.


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