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I Forge Iron

North West Indiana, USA


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 Hey fellow Hoosier.....Good to see ya. Plenty of blacksmith groups in the state. Check out the Indiana Blacksmith Association website. There are several satellite groups all over the state.  You don't have to be a working smith to go to a meeting. You will learn faster working with real smiths.

What do you want to make? And don't get hung up on the "I don't have the right tools", so I can't get started thing. Enjoy the ride.        Life is Good                Dave


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Welcome from Ft Wayne

all ya need to get started is something to hit on, something to hit with, and a hole in the ground to hold the fire. 

Make everything you need.   a visit to the IBA group near you will give you a lot of aid and a big jump start on the learning curve.  No matter how much people like to say they are self taught, When it comes to safety, no one can intuitively know everything until after it bites them, or they are warned by another.

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the Iforge gang live within visiting distance.

You live in blacksmith rich country, get hooked up with the local association. Every hour you spend with an experienced blacksmith is worth days or more trying to figure it out yourself. Terminology varies quite a bit so don't be surprised if the jargon you learn from reading isn't what's used where you are.

Frosty the

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 IIRC, "Rocky Forge" satellite group 7 is near by for you.....Ted Stout is the contact. He is a great guy. It would well be worth your time to look into this.

 The next IBA meeting will be in Rockville. On Nov. 19th @ the Parke Co, fairgrounds. I talked to John on Monday and he has a good program planned that day. It will be projects that can be completed in about an hour of work.

 I plan to be there and would be more than happy to meet you, and help out any way I can.        Life is Good            Dave

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