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I Forge Iron

Saw Mill score?

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   Hi guys and gals, I found a fairly large piece of steel that seems like it will work as an anvil. The only question I have is how to properly secure it as the bottom is rough and jagged (see pictures below). I thought a contrete base would do well. Other than that it rebounds well, and the guy was nice enough to throw in some used saw blades!





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Wood on end trimmed so the broken steel rests flush then extend a piece on each side to form a socket for it. You can wedge it or run a couple few wood screws in to secure it. However, if the lumber it's resting directly on is SLIGHTLY more narrow than the steel the sides will squeeze the slab when screwed to the main block.

Gotta go. Frosty The Lucky.

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I'd stand it on end like Thomas says, that'll get more of the mass under the hammer and, you'll be hammering on it sooner, instead of messing around with wedges and concrete.

It might be a little tippy stood on end though.  got access to a chainsaw and some tree trunk?  A slot sawed in a stump, as wide as your anvil and at the right height for working would go faster than waiting for the concrete to dry. what are the dimensions by the way?  looks maybe 3 inches wide?

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My bad, mount it long side vertical, the more steel under the hammer the better the depth of rebound or more efficient it will move metal.

Concrete isn't very good, it has great compressive strength but zero flex so the shock wave generated by the hammer will cause the anvil to impact the concrete and slowly pulverize it. Oh better than nothing but there a lot of better solutions.

Having the rough edge facing outwards has the distinct advantage of being a perfect place for your dog to scratch. A well scratched dog is a happy dog and a happy dog keeps thieves away. ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool idea. I like such men,:D

especially in the village it will be useful to have such a diligent man.

As for my garden, I am buyibng a lot of things especially in October like galvanized bucket http://apromera.com/.

It has a lot of advantages, and it is much cheaper than other buckets. In November it is rather late to work in garden, only rain constantly. 


images british.jpg

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Welcome aboard Zarochka glad to have you. I have to say you have the hottest AVATAR I've seen on Iforge. Thank you. :)

Do you blacksmith or otherwise work metal? If so we'd like to see your work, shop, tools, etc. we LOVE pictures of just about anything you'd show a young child you don't want to have to explain them to. It's a family site. ;)

Thanks for the "apromere" link they have quite the selection of galvanized containers, some are hard to find over here.

Frosty The Lucky.

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