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I Forge Iron

A truly rare portable forge...? (Link inside.)


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So, I'm new to this board.  Just figured I'd post a link to this portable coal forge that is for sale in the Nova Scotia area.  Would something like this truly be rare?   Just wondering... http://www.kijiji.ca/v-tool-other/bedford/antique-blacksmiths-mobile-forge-and-blower/1199347002?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true

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6 minutes ago, ledhed said:

So, I'm new to this board.  Just figured I'd post a link to this portable coal forge that is for sale in the Nova Scotia area.  Would something like this truly be rare?   Just wondering... http://www.kijiji.ca/v-tool-other/bedford/antique-blacksmiths-mobile-forge-and-blower/1199347002?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true

Well to be fair i mean most antiques are rare in one way or another. How many of that set up exist in the world? 100? 500? That is indeed pretty rare taking in the scale of things. Are coal forges themselves rare though? No. I do dig the set up though especially since i would hate leaving my forge outside to the elements, a nice mobile set up would be sweet.

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I would speculate that this is indeed rare. I mean, how many other people would have cobbled together that exact mix of different components into one Frankenstein unit? The wheels are definitely add-ons, I doubt the Centaur firepot is original to the cast Iron table, and I'm pretty confident the blower didn't start out with that forge (hence the duct tape connection).

That's not to say it isn't perfectly usable. Value is entirely up to how badly you want it and what other similar units are going for in your area.

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Welcome aboard Ledhed, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the Iforge gang live within visiting distance.

Old and or rusty doesn't mean rare or antique, Calling stuff rare antiques is a common way to trying to wring as much as possible from stuff posted on Clist and Ebay.

Anywho, what do you make? We love pics what's your shop look like, tools equipment, etc?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Nothing really antique or collectable about a Centaur firepot. That was obviously added later or perhaps the whole thing may have been thrown together from various gathered components. Is this thing horse drawn? Is definitely interesting.

As far as antique people go, It's very difficult for me to think of Blacksmith tools and equipment as antiques. The stuff is equipment, tools. Stuff meant to be used. Used properly it should last a thousand years but are still tools with a utilitarian purpose. They're not coins or stamps. Such people tend to be a real PITA to those who work for a living.


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