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I Forge Iron

Emerson Anvil Quality? Kanca?

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New to this forum, fairly new to smithing, did some bladework as hobby a couple years ago and getting into it again. I want to purchase a new Anvil for shop I'm setting up. My price range is ~500-1000 USD but I want to find the best value. I am just starting up again, but have enough experience to be pretty accurate with hammer so not too worried about denting face of nice tool (new anvil).

I've looked around quite a bit on forums etc, Nimba's seem well liked, Old World Anvils seem solid. The Haus' are out of my price range. Delta future is interesting.

The price and shape of EMERSON Anvils catches my eye. I am concerned about getting the best value for quality/hardness/rebound and people have mixed things to say about Emerson. But all of it seems to have been said about 6+ years ago from what I'm reading. Can Anyone tell me about their experience with Emersons? Complaints seem to be about hardness in the past, maybe they are treating them harder now?

Also Kanca the Turkish drop forged brand seems interesting as well, but I cannot find anyone talking about them at all.

Forgive me if I posted in the wrong place.


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Thank you for the advice George, that's encouraging! 

That Baby Rhino does look appealing. Their pitch about the new steel alloy and hardness through the full thickness sounds nice. I had not checked into that brand yet, thanks for pointing me that way Fatfudd.


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Welcome aboard Irvin, glad to have you. Most of the contemporary anvils made in the US are high quality, I've used a Nimba and it's a darned nice tool. I haven't heard anything bad about other makes and some pretty good reviews about some of the foreign makes. Just don't get in a rush, finding a good tool is worth taking a little time, it's a lifelong investment that won't depreciate.

Frosty The Lucky.

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