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I Forge Iron

my first kohlswa anvil

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Picked this up this past weekend. Rings loud enough to hurt my ears and rebound is at least 95%. 128lbs. edges are a little gnarled but I don't think they were ever dressed. top is nice and flat. paid $100.00. I was the lucky first caller to the craigslist ad lol.

Is the any way to determine its age? The number on the bottom mean anything?






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I was talking to the people at the Ag museum where I do some volunteering a few days ago--they have a kohlswa about the same size as yours on display along with a vulcan.  I was trying to explain that the Kohlswa was a far better anvil (they thought the vulcan was because it is visually stockier) and just happened to hit both with the hammer.  Kohlswa didn't ring their ears off but wasn't silent.  Vulcan sounded like I was hitting a side of beef with the hammer.  That was the first time for me that I've done a "side by side" of the tone and it sure does show against a Vulcan.

Good score.  Not sure how to tell the age on it.  By memory, they were imported into the USA from 1916 to 1960 (except during the war) and then re-branded as Centaur until problems started showing up in the 70's.  Don't quote me though as the anvil bible is at home.

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I had a Kohlswa, it was almost as good as my Fisher.  The problem I had with it is when it was used people would show up in their Sundays best ready for church.  Yeah, it was that loud.  lol.  The Fisher is like a stealth fighter, you never hear it until the work is done.  lol.

Great find!

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7 hours ago, Kozzy said:

I was talking to the people at the Ag museum where I do some volunteering a few days ago--they have a kohlswa about the same size as yours on display along with a vulcan.  I was trying to explain that the Kohlswa was a far better anvil (they thought the vulcan was because it is visually stockier) and just happened to hit both with the hammer.  Kohlswa didn't ring their ears off but wasn't silent.  Vulcan sounded like I was hitting a side of beef with the hammer.  That was the first time for me that I've done a "side by side" of the tone and it sure does show against a Vulcan.

Good score.  Not sure how to tell the age on it.  By memory, they were imported into the USA from 1916 to 1960 (except during the war) and then re-branded as Centaur until problems started showing up in the 70's.  Don't quote me though as the anvil bible is at home.

I also have 157# Peter Wright. I thought PW rang loud but Side by side the Kohlswa is much more ear piercing.

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Great deal on the Kohlswa, cast Swedish steel anvils are legendary on two main counts, how well they move metal and how LOUD they are. Chipped edges is pretty common the face is really hard, much harder than modern litigation limited anvils. A file puts my Soderfors right around r62.

Frosty The Lucky,

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