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Anvil ID Help

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Welcome aboard Giovanni glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance.

Oh yeah, you have yourself a choice bit of anvil there. Wire brush and put her to work, NO GRINDING! Go ahead and use a cup brush on a disk grinder just do NOT try "repairing" things you think are flaws, that lady is in FINE shape.

The last picture had me doing a double take, I had to go back up and look at the horn again. The post in the pic made it looked like the horn was broken or even (wince) cut off. A special affect instead of a sacrilege. Whew!

Frosty The Lucky.

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So this anvil will not ring as loudly as others? I had read you can strike and anvil and if it has a nice ring it was a good one. I have not tried "ringing" this anvil yet. I still have to get it home and on a new base. The log it is on is rotten. We were in the process of making a RR track anvil when this one was discovered.

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There is a dichotomy: anvils that should ring should ring---if they don't there is a flaw in them hidden or overt and generally *bad* (Face delamination, heel cracking off, etc) 

OTOH anvils that shouldn't ring won't ring; which makes it harder for clueless folks to differentiate the good anvils that don't ring from ASO's that don't ring.  You pretty much need to know the makers.  Fisher makes a fine quiet anvil and Vulcan makes an acceptable one (I'm not a fan of Vulcans...)  

Using the Fisher you should hear a thwack instead of the high pitched *TING*  of the other good brands that require being quieted down to preserve your hearing and lull the neighbors from the "pitchfork and torch" visits...

Folks who don't know enough about anvils hold out for the *TING*; it's simpler than having to know the difference of differing makes and running from neighbors with pitchforks and torches is good cardio---especially if you are carrying your anvil!

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Thanks everyone for the education. When I get it home I will clean it as advised and make a video of it and the sound it make. It does not look to be abused compared to some I have seen. I believe it was purchased new and has been in the same shop dirt floor shop its entire life.

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17 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

Why is a video necessary or desirable?

I just thought if there was any real damage or defect you guy might be able to see and or hear it. I am a total newb and probably would not spot and issue that to an experience smith would be painfully obvious at an infinite distance. LOL 

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