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I Forge Iron

Air Compressor?


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Looking up some specs on commercial air amplifiers, it seems possible for both CFM and static pressure....but will tend to suck a lot of compressed air to get the job done at the usual forge parameters generally needed.  Online literature seems to show about a 20 to 1 increase in air volume when running full blast but is not clear regarding operations at lower volumes or pressures from the compressor.  In a forge situation, I don't see how they will come anywhere near the efficiency or simplicity of a standard blower

A home-made air amplifier is pretty simple.  I have several from an auction "box lot" that were designed to get higher volumes from standard blow guns--they are just a thick walled aluminum tube with some angled holes in the direction of air flow that screw on as the tip of standard "off the shelf" blow guns.  I find they work a lot better for blowing off dust when doing a shop clean-up as you don't need the high pressure jet for most "blowing" operations.

Lots of info on the web to research regarding the subject.  Might be interesting to see it tried.

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putting hours on your compressor when not needed is not a great idea.  Big shops used to use compressed air when they were the type to have 4" pipes of it running everywhere and 100 hp+ compressors running all the time for other work.  Their air use for a forge was probably in the "leakage" range.

Try a simple 110 blower like is used for super efficient furnaces as exhaust assist; tell the local HVAC what it's for and they might give you one off their bone pile.  I know simple and cheap---it will never catch on!

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I did experiment with a simple hair dryer. I couldn't believe how well it worked. I have informed folks it works but never had first hand experience m I used low setting and was quite quiet. Very tolerable. It was plenty of air. 

But I couldn't part with my old blowers. I have to turn a crank.

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