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I Forge Iron

100 lb. LG repatriated

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Back in the country where this old man belongs.  Took a fair deal of negotiations with the dudes at the border.  Had to try two different ports of entry before they saw it my way.


Now, a quick 600 mile drive back to the shop.




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Well, they were pretty sure that it was a weapon of mass destruction, so I had to give them a little mass instruction.  After they holstered their weapons, they turned me away and made me take it to a different port of entry that handles commercial entry.  When the guy there found out that I was going to use it to make cymbals, he correctly stated, "Ha! That's no commercial enterprise!", and basically waved me through.



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 What year and serial number is that hammer ? 

I've got one just like it , center clutch, wrap around guides , serial #635,  built in 1922 , rebuilt by Little Giant in 2005.

It's been a great hammer, my main moneymaker for many years.

They are much inproved with a band brake over the top of the crank plate and a guard around all those flailing arms when it's running full out.

How are you going to  set it up for making cymbals ?

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