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I Forge Iron

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Hi -- I'm more or less new here, and definitely new to forging.   I've chatted on the gas forge forum with Wayne Coe about a gas forge I'm building.  I now have all the parts and tools, and of course my "real work" schedule has now gotten busy, but I'm hoping to get it together this weekend.  I was able to get all the forge materials for about $220, but it does take a bit of time because it's not a 1-stop shop when you need to budget carefully.  

In the meantime I started a class given by Vista Forge at the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum's 19th century style coal forging barn.  My first project attached below!  Prior to this I've only done metal work with jewelry, a million years ago.    I also live just 10 minutes away from the other San Diego 19th century style coal forge in Old Town and plan to volunteer there once I've done the intro classes and get some good mentoring in the process. 

I appreciate all the resources available here.     

IMG_0966.thumb.jpg.5d9541f17d4fc61df4083FirstProject.thumb.jpg.754fadf18b17d56f9<---- Vista class with 8 or so coal forges      









bigger than earrings ---->





Welcome aboard, glad to have you. I'm sort of slow saying hi, sorry about that. Pretty nice looking tongs, too large for pipe tongs so I'd call them hearth tongs for picking up hot coals in a fire place. What do you call them? You made them after all.

Sounds like you're well on the way building your kit. I'd like to see pics, we LOVE pics you know.

Frosty The Lucky.


Hello Lulabeast, I agree that shop at the AG&SEM is fantastic. I too hope to volunteer at Old Town before I keel over. I'm east of you in Alpine.

Robert Taylor


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