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I Forge Iron

Follow up - Practicing Concepts


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Thanks for the compliment!

The twist on the straight handle was just to not have a plain square once I realized it wouldn't be long enough for what I had in mind. For the other, I was trying to have it rounded for better grip comfort, but felt it could use the twists for a better gripping texture and decoration. Not as good as I had hoped, but I will try to set the twist on just the pommel area (and make it wider/more prominent than this) next time.

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So far, my octagonal twists almost look like a round twist; not sure if I'm doing something wrong there. Next time, I'm thinking of slightly hitting the sharp edges instead of making it a "true" octagon to leave the shape that will lead to a nice twist, but without the sharper edges that will be uncomfortable.

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On 11/5/2015, 7:34:57, ThomasPowers said:

How about an incised octagonal twist?

Until Frozenthunderbolt posted, I had no idea what that was. I think that would add quite the bit of detail there! I'll try that was well on another practice piece for comparison. Thank you!


Just a quick thought: would you mark each part of the octagon, or just a set number of sides? My mind is trying to wrap around what three, four, six, or even all eight would look like with markings and a twist.

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