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I Forge Iron


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So Nick and I worked on a project together today.  We made a thing with a heart on it. Haha


Nick made the base of the sculpture thing while I made the heart part that got welded on the the base.


Making the heart originally I had forge welded the bottom of the heart. But just as Glenn said would happen, the metal laughed at me. 

image.thumb.jpeg.6ef09c70165261e18cdc43bimage.thumb.jpeg.5f68b730b10dd12f47fb63eimage.thumb.jpeg.035eb485b7040ebaadb4974I wasn't going to let that ruin my half of the project, and I didn't want to start all over again, so I just adapted my work to fix this problem.


The heart was pretty ugly at first and my phone died so I couldn't take anymore pictures of the progression.  The heart was really a lot more extra work but overall I liked the final look! 

Edited by MarcyP
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Nick only needs to make another base and it's a primo plate stand. Well whatever you call those things to hold the fancy plates up to display on shelves and mantle pieces.

Making a heart is harder than it looks isn't it? Then one heart it'll snap into place and it becomes easy.

Good team guys, keep it up.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Not all forge welds want to co-operate. Do not take it personally.

Clear you mind and be sure you do everything right, clean fire, clean metal, right temperature, one step from the forge to the anvil, and bump the two pieces of metal together.

You may, at some point, want to make a holder to hang at the bottom of the heart and hold a tea light or other type candle. Think multiple use of the project.



Edited by Glenn
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Not all forge welds want to co-operate. Do not take it personally.

Clear you mind and be sure you do everything right, clean fire, clean metal, right temperature, one step from the forge to the anvil, and bump the two pieces of metal together.

You may, at some point, want to make a holder to hang at the bottom of the heart and hold a tea light or other type candle. Think multiple use of the project.



Nick and I were actually thinking of adding another stem off the base to hold a platform for these large candles I seem to be collecting.


Making a heart is harder than it looks isn't it? Then one heart it'll snap into place and it becomes easy.

I will say making a heart is definitely much easier when the bottom is welded together, but I made do with what I had. I think I can officially call myself a blacksmith, I can do a forge weld and I can finish a project when the weld fails. I made a series of mistakes until I had something pretty, horray, forging!

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